Simon Albrecht<address@hidden> writes:
in the following example Lily fails to recognise the melisma iff
– there is a second voice (comment it to test)
– the music is referenced by a variable and not directly inserted in
\score {} (sic!)
\version "2.19.25"
alto = \relative {
{ d'2\melisma e4\melismaEnd cis }
\new Voice { \voiceTwo s1 }
altText = \lyricmode {
side, sit
\score {
\new Staff \alto
\addlyrics \altText
% exactly the same, but without using a variable for the music
\score {
\new Staff \relative {
{ d'2(\melisma e4)\melismaEnd cis }
\new Voice { \voiceTwo s1 }
\addlyrics \altText
Sigh. It is _not_ exactly the same. Your inline example uses slurs,
your variable example doesn't.