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Re: Length-1 tuplets crash LilyPond (with strict-note-spacing & tupletFu

From: Trevor Bača
Subject: Re: Length-1 tuplets crash LilyPond (with strict-note-spacing & tupletFullLength)
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 13:07:43 -0400

Thanks for the confirmation of version, Simon.

For what it's worth, the bad output is no problem in actual scores because
other layout settings will be used to space everything correct, move time
signatures around and so on. It's only the crashing of the system that is a

Also, the work-around is to to set \fullLengthTuplet = ##f for the duration
of just the problematic tuplet in question. (Maybe the work-around should
be added to the tracker.)


On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 7:06 PM, Simon Albrecht <address@hidden>

> On 16.09.2015 23:04, Trevor Bača wrote:
>> \version "2.19.27"
>> \layout {
>>      \context {
>>          \Score
>>          \override SpacingSpanner #'strict-note-spacing = ##t
>>          tupletFullLength = ##t
>>      }
>> }
>> \new Staff {
>>      \time 1/8
>>      \times 2/3 {
>>          c'8.
>>      }
>>      \time 5/8
>>      \times 2/3 {
>>          c'8.
>>          c'8.
>>          c'8.
>>          c'8.
>>          c'8.
>>      }
>> }
> <snip>
>> The bug is present under 2.19.26 and 2.19.27; I haven't tested under early
>> versions.
> Up to 2.19.20, there is no error, but the output is bad (see attached).
> From 2.19.22, the error occurs.
> Yours, Simon

Trevor Bača

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