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Re: fondu fails on newer OS X versions

From: Thomas Morley
Subject: Re: fondu fails on newer OS X versions
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2016 22:38:36 +0200

2016-04-03 21:21 GMT+02:00 Carl Sorensen <address@hidden>:
> On 4/3/16 3:18 AM, "Mats Behre" <address@hidden> wrote:
>>% fondu fails on newer OS X versions (probably 10.7 Lion and later) for
>>fonts containing
>>% resource forks.
>>% There is no such font by default in the system, so you have to add one
>>and replace Textile
>>% in the example with the name of that font.
>>\version "2.18.2"
>>\header {
>>   composer = \markup  \right-align { \override #'(font-name . "Textile")
>>"Rodgers/Hart" }
>>   c''4
>>% For some reason fondu also fails (on the same systems) for at least
>>some .dfont files
>>% Times is part of the system so this example should work as it is.
>>% (If you keep this part the example above won't be compiled, so you
>>can't see that error.)
>>\version "2.18.2"
>>\header {
>>   composer = \markup  \right-align { \override #'(font-name . "Times")
>>"Rodgers/Hart" }
>>   c''4
>>% Both of these problems can be solved by changing the string appended to
>>the file name by the fondu.c
>>% HasResourceFork function from "rsrc" to "/..namedfork/rsrc", but this
>>code also exists in other programs
>>% of the fondu set.
>>% To be able to compile on newer OS X versions (at least 10.11 El
>>Capitan) you also need to change
>>% the include path in Makefile.Mac from /Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon/ to
>>% /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Headers
> Mats,
> Thank you for tracking this down.


> This appears to be a bug in fondu, not a bug in LilyPond.  We don't have
> control over fondu; we just use it.
> Fondu's mailing list would be the place to post this bug, I think.
> https://sourceforge.net/p/fondu/bugs/

Although, this topic is pretty much out of my league, some observations:

Last noted bugfix on this list was 2005.

Their homepage
was last modified 2008
In the changelog there, the last patch dates 2006.
>From Han-Wen, btw.

I think we may have a problem...


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