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Re: Remaining lsr-snippets to approve - feed-back needed

From: Pierre Perol-Schneider
Subject: Re: Remaining lsr-snippets to approve - feed-back needed
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 12:21:13 +0200


2016-04-03 12:46 GMT+02:00 Thomas Morley <address@hidden>:

> > (2) Those were drafts, even without description. I forgot to work on
> them.
> Should I keep them for further work?

Yes, please.

> > (3) I don't know. In France there is some rights for copying few
> measures in
> > an article if sources is clearly stated (which I did)
> I vaguely recall Germany has something akin. We need to be sure
> world-wide, though.

Hmm, world-wide would be hard to find.
AFAIK, it depends where the LP "organisation" is located. The Netherlands ?
(e.g. ISMLP follows the canadian rules.)
For the LSR case, the Italian law would be the one. Or ?

> > (5) Did you notice I've changed the design ?
> Yep, though you still need to set with-dimensions and the advantage
> compared with the built-in markup-command still escapes me.

I've slightly modified the file: http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?u=1&id=982
It's simply an alternative to the standard 'eyeglasses'.
Please feel free to delete it if you consider that it offers no advantage.


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