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Re: error and bad output with VoltaBrackets/ossia-staffs/RemoveEmptyStav

From: Thomas Morley
Subject: Re: error and bad output with VoltaBrackets/ossia-staffs/RemoveEmptyStaves/repeats
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2016 14:51:52 +0200

2016-04-10 14:50 GMT+02:00 Thomas Morley <address@hidden>:
> Hi all,
> with this code:
> \version "2.18.2" %% up to "2.19.40"
> \version "2.18.2"
> \paper { indent = 20 short-indent = 20 }
> \layout {
>   \context {
>     \Score
>     \override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
>   }
>   \context {
>     \Staff
>     \RemoveEmptyStaves
>   }
> }
> mI = {
>   c1
>   \break
>   \repeat volta 2 { d }
>   \alternative { { e } { eis } }
>   \repeat volta 2 { f }
> }
> mII = {
>   c1 d e eis
>   <<
>     { f }
>     \context Staff = "down-ossia" { fis }
>   >>
> }
> <<
>   \new Staff = "up-ossia"
>     \with { instrumentName = "up-ossia " shortInstrumentName = "up-ossia " }
>     { $(skip-of-length mI) }
>   \new Staff
>     \with { instrumentName = "up " shortInstrumentName = "up" }
>     \mI
>   \new Staff
>     \with { instrumentName = "down" shortInstrumentName = "down" }
>     \mII
>   \new Staff = "down-ossia"
>     \with { instrumentName = "down-ossia " shortInstrumentName = "down-ossia" 
> }
>     { $(skip-of-length mII) }
> I get
> programming error: could not find this grob's vertical axis group in
> the vertical alignment
> continuing, cross fingers
> and the gap between the VoltaBrackets is messed up.
> This happens only if \RemoveEmptyStaves is enabled
> and
> the sequence is repeat+alternative directly followed by another repeat
> and
> _two_ ossia-staffs are present
> and
> stuff is sent to the _lower_ ossia-stuff at the time the second repeat starts.
> Currently I've no clue what happens and would be very happy someone
> could suggest a workaround.
> It took me already a _long_ time to boil it down to the code below.
should read: the code above
> In "could not find this grob's vertical axis group" the term "this" is
> not very specific and without any location it's a hard task to find it
> in file with more than 16000 lines ...
> Cheers,
>   Harm

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