On Sat, 10 Feb 2018 14:30:13 +0100, Rutger Hofman <address@hidden> wrote:
Good afternoon list,
the following combination of \partcombine and \tremolo gives a core dump
with the following error message:
Preprocessing graphical objects...lilypond:
T Interval_t<T>::center() const [with T = double]: Assertion `!is_empty
()' failed.
If the % \partcombineApart below is uncommented, there is no core dump.
\version "2.19.80"
upp = \relative c'' {
\repeat tremolo 32 { d64( b) } |
d1 |
b'1:64 |
low = \relative c'' {
% \partcombineApart
b1 |
a1 |
g1:64 |
\score {
\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "upp"
} <<
\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "low"
} <<
\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = "partcombined"
} <<
Rutger Hofman
Is this the same thing you reported a while back
Rutger Hofman said:
This is still an issue of current master ... has anybody investigated the
problem ?
I don't know whether we have an issue in the tracker for this, but it
will always be an issue since there is no valid output for this input
(I don't think one can have both a flag and a stem tremolo). Aborting
with a core dump (and a cryptic message not obviously related to the
input) is of course about the worst possible diagnostic, but we would
not be able to produce valid graphics either.
David Kastrup
I didn't notice if there was ever a bug filed for this.