2018-08-03 16:51 GMT+02:00 James Lowe <address@hidden>:
On 03/08/18 13:32, Thomas Morley wrote:
while playing with the Measure_grouping_engraver
I noticed two things which may qualify as bugs.
(1) A documentation issue
I tried to get MeasureGrouping in default 4/4-time, but nothing happened.
One has to set beatStructure and baseMoment accordingly. The current
docs make it sound it should work out of the box, though.
\version "2.19.82"
\new Staff \with { \consists "Measure_grouping_engraver" }
%% to get MeasureGrouping, next two lines need to be uncommented
%\set Timing.beatStructure = 4,4
%\set Score.baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/8)
\repeat unfold 8 a'8
Is this just a documentation issue though?
*should* it work out of the box (to use your phrase) and so documentation is
correct and the bug is in the code?
We don't document bugs after all.
Hi James,
this is not a bug in the code, afaik.
But the functionality of MeasureGrouping relies on appropriate
settings for beatStructure and baseMoment.
This should be documented, that's all.
In my example the default settings for 4/4-time prevent any output
from Measure_grouping_engraver.
The user should be told about the need to adjust those settings in
certain cases.
The IR states Measure_grouping_engraver is reading following context-properties:
baseMoment (moment)
beatStructure (list)
currentMusicalColumn (graphical (layout) object)
measurePosition (moment)
Imho, we should explain in the NR how to use them for MeasureGrouping.