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Re: Patch to add libtool support

From: Johnny C. Lam
Subject: Re: Patch to add libtool support
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 11:47:36 -0400

"Thomas E. Dickey" <address@hidden> writes:
> On Thu, 12 Oct 2000, Johnny C. Lam wrote:
> > 
> > I've regenerated the patches so that they are relative to the
> > 5.1-20001009 sources and included them below.  I hope it eases the
> > review of the patch.
> thanks (I'll study it on the weekend - during the week I mostly just
> respond to email for ncurses and work on other projects).  Your summary
> sounds essentially what I recommended, but if it involves much testing,
> I'd prefer to work on it for post-5.2

To shorten the task of any testing you might do, I've tested compiling
on my own machine (NetBSD/i386-1.5) with and without the various
options I've added to ensure that my changes didn't affect builders
that didn't want to use my changes.

Thanks for your attention.


     -- Johnny C. Lam <address@hidden>
        Department of Statistics, Carnegie Mellon University

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