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Re: latin1-characters in menu-item names

From: Stefan Vogtner
Subject: Re: latin1-characters in menu-item names
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 21:43:50 +0200

Hi Felix,

forms/menus check if characters are printable using isprint (3).
If a field/menu item is not printable it is left blank.

By default a C program starts in the C locale in which only the
chars < 127 are printable. You may change the locale at the
very beginning of your programm by calling e. g.

        setlocale (LC_ALL, "de_DE"); /* switch to German */

This will enable ISO-8859-1 on most systems. BTW: Some systems
(Solaris) need dynamically linked programms to access any
locale except C (POSIX) locale.

Another approach is to skip the locale stuff completely and
supply a user defined isprint function. But this may require
a recompile of forms/menus.


Felix Natter wrote:
> hi,
> if I define a menu-name using latin1 (iso-8859-1) characters, the
> whole menu will be invisible, in spite of the fact that
> I am able to print latin1-characters with a routine like addstr.
> (please cc replies to me, I am not currently subscribed to this list)
> thanks,
> --
> Felix Natter
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                                                        | Stefan Vogtner

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