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Re: unable to switch to plain text mode

From: Rod Chamberlin
Subject: Re: unable to switch to plain text mode
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 11:09:39 +0100 (BST)

I've also written a simple character mode debugger which does something
similar using ptys.  The difficulty is making the pty code portable (I
actually wound up stealing it from librxvt).  Once you have ptys, you can
run external programs through this, read the output from a file stream
(similar to pipes, but looks like a terminal to the running program), and
display it sensibly.

The downside is that you tend to have to select from the various input
channels to do I/O properly.

If you're interested in the code, let me know.

On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, Thomas Dickey wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 10:21:45PM -0400, address@hidden wrote:
> > I'm writing a shell that uses curses, but programs like ps that only use
> > printf() don't work properly, they display stair-stepping text.  I've
> > tried using endwin(); refresh(), but that didn't work right, it quit
> > completely, then reset the whole window....I tried nl() and nonl(), but
> > those didn't work either.  How can I do this?
> it's complicated to do properly (and hard to make portable).  I do something
> like that in my directory editory (normally the top half of the file-list
> screen is managed by curses, and the bottom half is available for shell
> output).  See
>       http://invisible-island.net/ded
>       ftp://invisible-island.net/ded
> -- 
> Thomas E. Dickey <address@hidden>
> http://invisible-island.net
> ftp://invisible-island.net
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| Rod Chamberlin               | address@hidden   Tel +44 23 8023 2345        |
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