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Re: increase the maximum number of color pair

From: Daniel Weaver
Subject: Re: increase the maximum number of color pair
Date: Thu, 09 May 2002 14:11:16 -0700

At 04:06 AM 5/10/2002 +0800, address@hidden wrote:
>On Thu, May 09, 2002 at 03:34:43PM -0400, Thomas Dickey wrote:
>> On Thu, May 09, 2002 at 11:15:39PM +0800, address@hidden wrote:
>> > 
>> > Hello,
>> > 
>> >    Is there anyway to increase the maximum number of color pairs
>> >    apart from modify the terminfo "pair#64" to larger value?
>> no.
>> >    otherwise,we can't use all the color available at the same times
>> >    (pair 0 can't be changed ,so we need 8*8+1 = 65 pair,moreover,
>> >    including the default color (-1), we need 9*9+1=82 pair for
>> >    that..
>> "default" is built-in and doesn't count toward color-pairs.
>but if we use default color by calling use_default_color, 
>we will have an addition color number -1 for foreground and background
>and this can have a combination  of init_pair(-1,0); to init_pair(-1,7);
>and init_pair(0,-1) to init_pair(7,-1); which result in additional 16
>pair which can be fully represented by the current max number of color
>pair if we try to initialize all the available pair..i.e 8*8+16 = 80..

The number of color pairs in the terminfo is set to the number supported
by the terminal.  If you want more pairs then you need a different

The default color pairs can be overwritten by the application.

Dan Weaver, ZNYX Networks

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