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Strange ncurses/lynx interaction

From: Mike Castle
Subject: Strange ncurses/lynx interaction
Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 21:05:14 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.99i

This is with latest lynx built against latest ncurses.

The left hand column doesn't get displayed.


                                                        Bookmark file (p1 of 2)
 escription: Default Bookmark File
   Filepath: ./.lynx/misc.html

 RL to open: 

Anyone else seeing this?

I'm going to back out the last ncurses patch and try again.

     Mike Castle      address@hidden      www.netcom.com/~dalgoda/
    We are all of us living in the shadow of Manhattan.  -- Watchmen
fatal ("You are in a maze of twisty compiler features, all different"); -- gcc

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