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Re: ncurses 5.3-20030719

From: Chris Zubrzycki
Subject: Re: ncurses 5.3-20030719
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 21:57:51 -0400

On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 05:56  PM, Thomas E. Dickey wrote:
On Mon, 18 Aug 2003, Chris Zubrzycki wrote:
On Mon, 18 Aug 2003, Chris Zubrzycki wrote:

Hey Thomas, I was wondering if ncurses stopped building the c++ lib
the .la files by default...using the 5.3-20030719 patch (or the few
previous ones), it no longer builds these things, even though I am
using gcc and/or g++. This is on Mac OS X 10.2, with libtool enabled.

".la" files are built with the --with-libtool option (offhand I don't
know why it would stop building them, unless that's because you have
changed versions of libtool, or something obscure that I broke).

"--with-libtool" overrides (cancels the effect of) the other 3 models
("--with-shared", "--with-normal" and "--with-debug").  Checking with
your options, it seems that the parameter for --with-libtool is confusing
my script (it's not looking for a value, so "--with-libtool" gives a
value of "yes").  I can modify that.  For a workaround, if you set
$LIBTOOL to /usr/bin/glibtool, and use the "--with-libtool" option
(and discard "--with-shared"), it should work.

Ok, well, I tested this. It does not work correctly. It seems to grab the directory that libtool is in, but on os x the gnu libtool is called glibtool. When I use --with-libtool=/usr/bin/glibtool it seems to correctly grab the libtool name and location, but no .la files are created. Very odd indeed...

And you stopped making the c++ dynamic lib? What if some apps depend on it? Is there an option to re-enable it?

Thanks again,

-chris zubrzycki
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-chris zubrzycki
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