I have long been curious about how one
learns how to format (for lack of a better term) a project
in the way so many projects of ncurse's
nature are.
To give some examples: the ANNOUNCE/README/TO-DO
files, the directory structure, the
make files, tar/gzip usage, etc.
Is all this the product of the tools
that are generally used? If so, in what kind of environment
is ncurses developed? If not,
does a resource exist that I can use to get started (like a standards
My technical skills are good, but I
do not have a lot of formal training (self-taught physicist) and
in all my previous experience, I was
not a junior member of a large team. I have mostly worked
in very small groups of peers. In
other words, I never had much in the way of rigorous organization
requirements placed upon me, even though
a couple of my projects, including the current one,
are fairly large.
I would like to eventually contribute
to the gnu/open-source world, but I feel I must get up to
speed on things like this before I could
do so effectively.
I was far more adept in the Unix environment
back when I was in school, but I still have retained
a good bit of it, so anyone who chooses
to respond needn't start totally from scratch and while
I would appreciate as much information
as I could get, I know time is valuable. If I could at least
be pointed to a few places to start,
I would be grateful.