I discovered a little annoyance while using the Python ncurses binding
so some of this may be due to that binding but I think it is true of
ncurses in general. If I do not call use_default_colors() then COLORS
is 8 and COLOR_PAIRS is 64. This is reasonable. With colors 0 though
7 I can represent at most 64 pairs. However if I do call
use_default_colors(), COLORS and COLOR_PAIRS are still 8 and 64. This
introduces a limitation because now I can in theory represent colors
-1 though 7 for 81 pairs, but ncurses limits me to 64. My particular
app is a text editor so I would like to provide all possible color
combinations to downstream users. (It is very unlikely that anyone
will need all those colors at once, but I don't want to impose
arbitrary limits.)