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Re: how to have the `initscr '() do NOT clear the screen?

From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: Re: how to have the `initscr '() do NOT clear the screen?
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2008 12:30:54 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 7 Jul 2008, jianghu wrote:

Thanks. Understood.

I ever found an interesting bash code from internet (forgot the original
place), which works well in xterm (debian latest lenny). But I am afraid it
is not portable, so I doubt whether the C with ncurses can do the same work.
The script is paste below for reference.

You can write something equivalent in C, using setupterm to get the terminal data, and tparm, tputs for formatting and output. But (like
this script) it would have to make assumptions about who's writing to
the first line of the screen.

Thomas E. Dickey

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