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O_EDIT issue

From: Sentinel
Subject: O_EDIT issue
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2008 10:58:27 +0530 (IST)
User-agent: Alpine 1.10 (OSX 962 2008-03-14)

When the cursor is in a field, then O_EDIT (and O_ACTIVE) do not work.

This means that i cannot make a field read_only once a form has loaded. My current workaround is to use REQ_LAST_FIELD and then set some fields as read_only.

This still means if i had to make the entire form read only, I would not be able to. (My app allows a user to edit/delete/view data from a database, and in some modes I make the keys read-only).

Attaching a sample of code. i try to make field[0] non-editable. You can later comment out field[0] and uncomment field[1] and the program is able to make field[1] non-edit since cursor is in 0.

Compile using:
gcc -o f -lform  -lncurses f.c

ruby 1.8.7  | os x 10.5.5 |  vim 7.2

Attachment: f.c
Description: Text document

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