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From: Thomas Dickey
Subject: ncurses-5.7-20100403.patch.gz
Date: Sat, 03 Apr 2010 21:31:52 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

 ncurses 5.7 - patch 20100403 - Thomas E. Dickey


 Ncurses 5.7 is at

 Patches for ncurses 5.7 are in the subdirectory

 patch by Thomas E. Dickey <address@hidden>
 created  Sun Apr  4 01:26:17 UTC 2010
 Ada95/Makefile.in               |    7 
 NEWS                            |   14 
 aclocal.m4                      |   45 
 c++/Makefile.in                 |    7 
 configure                       | 2895 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 configure.in                    |   16 
 dist.mk                         |    4 
 form/Makefile.in                |    9 
 include/Makefile.in             |   11 
 include/curses.h.in             |  205 +-
 include/curses.tail             |    4 
 include/curses.wide             |   16 
 menu/Makefile.in                |    9 
 ncurses/Makefile.in             |    9 
 ncurses/base/MKlib_gen.sh       |   29 
 ncurses/base/lib_addch.c        |   10 
 ncurses/base/lib_bkgd.c         |    6 
 ncurses/base/lib_chgat.c        |    6 
 ncurses/base/lib_slkatron.c     |    6 
 ncurses/base/lib_slkattr.c      |    6 
 ncurses/base/lib_wattron.c      |    6 
 ncurses/curses.priv.h           |   72 
 ncurses/tinfo/lib_setup.c       |   77 -
 ncurses/tinfo/tinfo_driver.c    |   65 
 ncurses/trace/lib_traceatr.c    |    6 
 ncurses/tty/lib_vidattr.c       |    8 
 ncurses/widechar/lib_add_wch.c  |   10 
 ncurses/widechar/lib_cchar.c    |    6 
 ncurses/widechar/lib_vid_attr.c |    4 
 ncurses/win32con/win_driver.c   |    4 
 panel/Makefile.in               |    9 
 progs/Makefile.in               |   11 
 test/Makefile.in                |    5 
 test/aclocal.m4                 |  290 +++
 test/configure                  | 1807 ++++++++++++++++-------
 test/configure.in               |   24 
 test/mk-test.awk                |    6 
 test/test.priv.h                |    6 
 38 files changed, 3371 insertions(+), 2359 deletions(-)

        + add configure check for exctags vs ctags, to work around pkgsrc.
        + simplify logic in _nc_get_screensize() to make it easier to see how
          environment variables may override system- and terminfo-values
          (prompted by discussion with Igor Bujna).
        + make debug-traces for COLOR_PAIR and PAIR_NUMBER less verbose.
        + improve handling of color-pairs embedded in attributes for the
          extended-colors configuration.
        + modify MKlib_gen.sh to build link_test with sp-funcs.
        + build-fixes for OpenSolaris aka Solaris 11, for wide-character
          configuration as well as for rpath feature in *-config scripts.

Thomas E. Dickey <address@hidden>

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