Ma trying to see if I can get UTF-8 Line Drawing characters to display in double height, double
snippet of code for standard UTF
wchar_t bboxcheck [] = { 0x2611, 0x00 } ;
wchar_t bboxx [] = { 0x2612, 0x00 } ;
wchar_t rightarrow1 [] = { 0x27a2 , 0x00 } ;
wchar_t rightarrow2 [] = { 0x27a4 , 0x00 } ;
wchar_t dashedc [] = { 0x2026 , 0x00 } ;
mvprintw ( 10,2 , "R Arrow 1 Char is : " ) ;
mvprintw ( 11,2 , "R Arrow 2 Char is : " ) ;
mvaddwstr ( 10,30 ,rightarrow1 ) ;
mvaddwstr ( 11,30 ,rightarrow2 ) ;
Would like to get the 'arrows to display in a double height / width cell format in xterm.
Is this possible, If so, what DO i need to do this ?
As Always Thanks ..
Ben Duncan - Business Network Solutions, Inc. 336 Elton Road Jackson MS, 39212
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- Hanlon's Razor