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Request: update terminfo entry for simpleterm (st)

From: Nils R
Subject: Request: update terminfo entry for simpleterm (st)
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 12:13:20 +0100 (CET)
User-agent: ALL-INKL Webmail 2.11


i noticed that the terminfo entries for st (=simpleterm)[1] are for st version 
0.1.1, which is quite outdated and causes problems, e.g. keys are misbehaving, 
etc..  The latest released version is 0.4.1, would it be possible to update the 
terminfo?  As far as i've seen, Linux distributions/BSD ports all ship st 
version 0.4.1, so including the correct terminfo would eliminate any problems 
resulting from an old description.



[1]: st.suckless.org

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