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Re: Screen corruption with ncurses-6 snapshots since 20170729

From: Chris Clayton
Subject: Re: Screen corruption with ncurses-6 snapshots since 20170729
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2017 13:15:36 +0100
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On 27/08/17 12:54, Chris Clayton wrote:
> On 27/08/17 11:56, Thomas Dickey wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 27, 2017 at 09:24:24AM +0100, Chris Clayton wrote:
>>> I have ncurses-6 installed and update to that latest snapshot from time to 
>>> time. Today I updated to the 21070826
>>> snapshot and found that I get some screen corruption when using the 
>>> kernel's 'make menuconfig' command. The latest
>>> version that doesn't produce the corruption is 20170722.
>>> My terminal is mate-terminal-1.18.1 with the character encoding set to 
>>> "Current Locale (UTF8)". The output from the
>> That's VTE-based.  If your $TERM is "xterm", there's an FAQ for that.
> A bit of experimentation has revealed that setting TERM=gnome makes the 
> corruption go away in both mate-terminal and xterm!

And even more experimentation shows that with TERM=xterm I get screen 
corruption in cfdisk from the util-linux package,
too. That too, is fixed with TERM=gnome.

>>> The corruption can also, however, be seen in xterm-330.
>> hmm....
>>> The corruption can be viewed by running 'make menuconfig' in the directory
>>> containing the linux kernel source.  Navigate
>>> to Device-Drivers-->Input Device Support-->Horizontal screen resolution.  I
>>> have a (.png) screen dump if that would help.
>> A picture would help :-)
> You can view it at 
> http://s714.photobucket.com/user/chris2553/media/ncurses-bad-screen.png.html

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