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reproducible builds of *.a static libaries

From: Alexander Couzens
Subject: reproducible builds of *.a static libaries
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2019 20:17:21 +0100


while working on reproducible builds [1], I've noticed ncurses is not
reproducible, when creating *.a.
While looking further into the problem, I've found aclocal.m4 is
checking if the "ar" support "-curvU". The U stands for

I don't know the reason or history for the -D, I've attached a patch
to change this to D which is deterministic.
It would be also possible to remove the D or U flags completely. "ar"
would then fallback to it's own default, which is on some distribution

Best Regards,

[1] https://reproducible-builds.org
Alexander Couzens

mail: address@hidden
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gpg: 390D CF78 8BF9 AA50 4F8F  F1E2 C29E 9DA6 A0DF 8604

Attachment: fix-reproducible.patch
Description: Text Data

Attachment: pgpIDydHZSyqM.pgp
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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