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Re: Getting pkgconfig to a specific location

From: Vincent Fortier
Subject: Re: Getting pkgconfig to a specific location
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2022 21:30:32 -0500

Hi thomas,

Le lun. 3 janv. 2022 à 17:27, Thomas Dickey <dickey@his.com> a écrit :
> On Mon, Jan 03, 2022 at 08:36:43AM -0500, Vincent Fortier wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm a community dev working on the SynoCommunity project.  We're using
> > ncurses for multiple opensource packages that we integrate so they can
> > be installed on Synology NAS (which uses linux).
> >
> > While trying to update ncurses to 6.3 I tried (once more) to modify
> > the pkgconfig location to another location.  Under synology NAS each
> > application is self-contained and installed under
> > /var/packages/<app>/target.  When cross-compiling our installation
> > prefix is set as such which lead to having pkgconfig directory to sit
> > under $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/lib/pkgconfig.  That $(INSTALL_PREFIX) sits
> > under our working directory $(INSTALL_DIR).
> >
> > >From the documentation the following two are obvious:
> > --prefix=$(INSTALL_PREFIX)
> > --with-install-prefix=$(INSTALL_DIR)   --> or using DESTDIR at make install 
> > time
> hmm - "--with-install-prefix" isn't intended as the pathname by
> which an application finds the data.  It is a configure-time
> version of $DESTDIR (which relocates the installed data,, making
> it simple(r) to construct CD images, etc.).

Indeed, while doing additional testing it isn't needed at all as the
framework provides all of what's needed anyway.

> that said, the ncurses build scripts shouldn't be repeating '$(INSTALL_DIR)'.

And I think there's a bug there.

> But the configure script can be confused, since it wouldn't see
> that as an absolute pathname such as "/whatever/lib/pkgconfig",
> and would attempt to add an absolute prefix in front.
> That's in 6.3-release.  In post-6.3 development, I've relaxed that
> a little (mainly for users who want to configure when the pkgconfig
> directory does not yet exist).
> So... to let me understand the problem better, it would help to have
> a script which shows the complete configure-command that you're trying.
> Given that, I can either offer some advice on workarounds, to attempt
> to solve the problem :-)

Indeed it looks like the configure script is confused and adding the
DESTDIR to the path for an unknown reason.  Here is the output from
the build log:
** Configuration summary for NCURSES 6.3 20211021:

       extended funcs: yes
       xterm terminfo: xterm-new

        bin directory: /usr/local/ncurses/bin
        lib directory: /usr/local/ncurses/lib
    include directory: /usr/local/ncurses/include
        man directory: /usr/local/ncurses/share/man
   terminfo directory: /usr/local/ncurses/share/terminfo
 pkg-config directory:

And here is my configuration (considering destination directory is
provided by the framework so no argument needed):
CONFIGURE_ARGS  = --with-shared
CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-terminfo-dirs=$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/share/terminfo
CONFIGURE_ARGS += --with-pkg-config-libdir=$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/lib/pkgconfig
CONFIGURE_ARGS += --without-manpages
CONFIGURE_ARGS += --without-tests
CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-rpath
CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-overwrite
CONFIGURE_ARGS += --enable-pc-files
CONFIGURE_ARGS += --disable-stripping
CONFIGURE_ARGS += --disable-widec
CONFIGURE_ARGS += --disable-home-terminfo

I have opened a PR at
https://github.com/SynoCommunity/spksrc/pull/5047 (it also includes an
update for gdbm but irrelevant for this).  There will be a log output
for all packages depending on ncurses.  In there you should have the
detailed output.  I've also attached one for immediate reference.

> >
> > - vin (@th0ma7)
> >
> > For reference:
> > https://github.com/SynoCommunity/spksrc
> > https://synocommunity.com/
> >
> --
> Thomas E. Dickey <dickey@invisible-island.net>
> https://invisible-island.net
> ftp://ftp.invisible-island.net

Attachment: build-kvmx64-7.0.log.gz
Description: application/gzip

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