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Re: round(E) but still rnd(-1.5) in the example in HTML manual 1.3.0

From: Daniel Diaz
Subject: Re: round(E) but still rnd(-1.5) in the example in HTML manual 1.3.0
Date: Sun, 02 Nov 2008 10:50:41 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080914)

This is not a bug in the documentation. The semantics of // and rem depends on an internal integer division rounding function (called rnd in the doc) which can provides 2 different results on negative numbers. So rnd is only for documentation purpose to explain the behavior of // and rem.

This has nothing to do with round/1 which rounds any number to the nearest integer.


Dave Sworin a écrit :
The arithmetic evaluation is round(E), which works fine, but the example in my HTML manual for 1.3.0 still uses rnd(E) instead, during the discussion of
using the integer_rounding_function flag.  I'm not sure this was reported.


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