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From: Jamshed Kakar
Subject: Framework
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 00:06:06 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.27i


I've added another sub-project to the radar repository: Framework.
I've put a build environment in place, Doxygen documentation
(available at http://nirvana.dnsalias.com/~jkakar/framework/index.html
if anyone cares) and the beginnings of some code.

The purpose of Framework is to provide auxilliary objects that will be
required by every library we build: configuration and logging at this
point.  Perhaps other things down the road like Base64 en/decoders and
the like.  I've looked at some of the existing projects that do these
things and have found most of them ugly or non-thread safe.  Both
things that will shoot us in the foot.  Admittedly, there's also an
element of Not Done Here Syndrome(tm).

Take care,

 Premature optimization is the root of all evil. -- Donald Knuth

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