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[Bug-spacechart] burlap

From: Nicholas Dempsey
Subject: [Bug-spacechart] burlap
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 11:26:56 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

The insurgents must be able to use Ramadi to support their efforts in Baghdad.
Not only that but they have guns in their possession. Rumors can be fun, rumors can bring hope and sometimes rumors make you get prepared to face the incoming unknown. The village will take care of them. Im quite fussy when it comes to chocolates. It was inevitable with all the packages he seemd to receive on a daily basis filled with yummy goodies, especially chocolates! The village store also is pretty well-stocked.
I have ridden twice with them.
I couldnt believe it that they were under no supervision.
Fortunately, our snipers are better than theirs. Not only that but they have guns in their possession.
Seth mentioned google video, but I dont wanna put it there I wanna be able to show it on my blog using HTML.
The ambush is not set until the air crew makes the report.
When the moojies are hit, they'll either die, or run, and chances are they'll run right into the ambush, which is now activated and fully alert. figuring fridge, figuring washer. Im glad that Richard Engel wrote about it.
Him and a few colleagues had to visit a place in Abu Graib area. But the end result is all to do with MONEY.
The furniture will all be arriving tomorrow, Im gonna be dead tired by the time he comes in. No one was injured thankfully but from the pictures he showed us. Their convoy was shot at.
I kept well below the budget even. I asked HUBBY who these noisy people were. More, they won't have to issue the order, because our medics and corpsmen will not need to be told. But Hit's a long drive through the desert - and any operations between Hit and points west are very vulnerable to TCP operations.
but god they were the loudest people ever when night time came. It was inevitable with all the packages he seemd to receive on a daily basis filled with yummy goodies, especially chocolates!
He said these are AEGIS guys.

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