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[Bug-spacechart] Can't afford medications you need?

From: Vacillates I. Traumatizes
Subject: [Bug-spacechart] Can't afford medications you need?
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2006 01:22:03 -0600

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Working together, you and I will make this the cleanest revolt that ever took over a planet. Then, at the exact and ultimate moment of my maximum realization and despair she pulled the trigger. Pieces of plastic flew out of the back wall and slugs screamed down the corridor. On the yellow tag were the large black letters D. Did he want to rule a whole planetor maybe an entire system?Or more?I shuddered a bit as the thought hit me. The people I met were dull to the point of extinction. Before you were merely on probation, but now you are a full agent. Getting better all the time, he said, turning his head to look at his ship.

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