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dotfiles option

From: Ariel Costas
Subject: dotfiles option
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2021 23:54:05 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.6.10; emacs 27.2

Hi there,

> On Sun, 25 Jul 2021 17:25:29 +0100 Oliver Duce wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm not sure if this is a bug, or an issue I'm having
> I was attempting to use stow --dotfiles to install my dotfiles. 
> My directory structure is like so
> [...]
> I cd .dotfiles then do stow --dotfiles home, and I get the error stow:
> ERROR: stow_contents() called with non-directory path:
> .dotfiles/home/.config
> However, if I make this my folder structure:
> And then do stow --dotfiles home, I don't have any issues, and
> everything gets put in place.  Though, that's not ideal as the whole
> idea is to make the files visible in my dotfiles directory.
> Best regards,
> Oliver Duce

Just went across this error today and visited the Stow lists' archives
only to find this message with no answer. Did you figure out what caused
this problem?

I'm running GNU Stow version 2.3.1 and was using the following dotfiles
directory [1] for the i3 Window Manager configuration. This would cause
the error mentioned by Oliver "ERROR: stow_contents() called with
non-directory path" with the corresponding path on my system.

I'm also CCing the bug-stow list since I believe this is more related
with the bug list than the discussion/help one (if that matters).


Ariel Costas
Web: https://costas.dev
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