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[Bug-wget] multiple file downloads to different folder locations

From: Wayne Glover
Subject: [Bug-wget] multiple file downloads to different folder locations
Date: Mon, 05 Oct 2009 21:33:11 -0700
User-agent: Opera Mail/10.00 (Win32)


i have wget working and it is slick.

Of course, once I got it working I needed to add new requirements. I use the urllist.txt file. originally it only had one url. now i want to download files from different locations. I added the file to the urllist.txt file and it downloaded both. however, i want the downloaded files to be saved to different locations on the local computer. I use wgetrc.txt to store my profile. can i modify wgetrc.txt to vary the save locations based on the url?

2) can I use etags as a basis for determining if a file should be downloaded. now i use date and size.

I read the manual and ran some searches in the email archives and couldn't find answers

I am not on the list, so please cc me.

thanks for any help you can give.


Wayne Glover

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