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[Bug-wget] Re: [Project] What about images in arc files

From: Mohan gupta
Subject: [Bug-wget] Re: [Project] What about images in arc files
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 03:25:07 -0700

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 1:17 AM, Bartek Jasicki <address@hidden> wrote:
> On 2009-10-26, at 06:43 +0000, address@hidden wrote:
>> Mohan Gupta sent a message using the contact form at
>> http://grub.org/?q=en/contact.
>> hello all,
>> I just wanted to know does the grub client actually download images ??? If
>> so where does it store them in .arc files and in what format ?
>> I went through few arc files but I didn't get to see any images there?
>> Mohan
> Hello
> If you mean Grub download images when it crawl HTML pages, then not.
> Grub made only one request to webserver and download only this file to
> which was pointed. Thus it not download whole page (images, Flash files,
> etc).
What i mean is that those images which are linked in a HTML page(in a
<img tag) will be added to the url queue  (or whatever)  created to
recursively download webpages , now does it also download images like
www.google.com/images/xyz.jpeg and if it does where or in what format
does it store the image inside an arc file (what i believe is arc
files are like where the content of each file (including the images)
are wrote inside a single file).
so does it download images and how it stores them in arc file , i mean
in what format(format means how it specifies inside the arc file that
the following content is an image content of type jpeg or gif ) ??

> But it can crawl only images too - if that been set. In that situation,
> Grub been write images in standard format graphic files (.gif, .png,
> etc) in .arc file
> Regards
> Bartek Jasicki

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