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[Bug-wget] [PATCH] Test-cookies.px

From: Tim Ruehsen
Subject: [Bug-wget] [PATCH] Test-cookies.px
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2012 16:12:08 +0100

To check wget for NOT sending a request header, I patched HTTPServer.pm.
Here is an example taken from the patched Test-cookies.px (see below):
        request_headers => {
            "!Cookie" => qr|foo=bar|,

That means: return an error, if there is a Cookie request header that contains 
foo=bar. (I hope, I understood that perl stuff correctly).
I am not perl programmer, so maybe my changes are suboptimal. Please someone 
check that.

Then, I expanded Test-cookies.px to delete the session cookie by using an 
outdated 'Expires' tag. (works fine).

Also included is a test for testing the ignorance of a non-matching domain in 
the Set-Cookie header. (wget fails, but shouldn't due to RFC 6265 5.3.6).
wget just replaces that foreign domain with the domain from the request-uri.

Should things like that go to the bug tracker ? (There are so many open issues 
for so long time that I am unshure about that.)

Regards, Tim

Attachment: 0002-check-cookie-deletion-and-cookie-domain-matching.patch
Description: Text Data

Attachment: 0001-added-check-for-must-not-match-request-header.patch
Description: Text Data

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