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Re: [Bug-wget] wget doesn't work on gzip sites

From: William Tracy
Subject: Re: [Bug-wget] wget doesn't work on gzip sites
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2013 18:40:56 -0800

Wow, I'm honestly surprised to discover that wget has no gzip support.

A quick search shows that someone already has a (mostly) working patch:

It doesn't look like it's anywhere near ready for inclusion in
mainline, but if you need gzip support now you can at least make your
own build.

William Tracy
(408) 685-4819

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 8:04 AM, CCC DDD <address@hidden> wrote:
> I've encounted an increasing number of web sites are forcing pages to be 
> served as gzip whether the broswer requests it or not. This is likely in 
> order to save bandwidth for the site and make people stop using IE6 or 
> whatever old browsers don't support gzip.
> However, as wget also doesn't support gzip it is useless on these sites. 
> There is no way to request NOT to have the site give pages in gzip because 
> the sites are ignoring the http gzip header and just forcing it reguardless.
> So the only solution is to have wget support gzip. It's a feature that is in 
> every modern browser and really should be in wget as it will save loads of 
> bandwidth for both users and server operators.
> Thanks for reading

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