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Re: [Bug-wget] sudo wget --accept sandwich

From: Marcel Partap
Subject: Re: [Bug-wget] sudo wget --accept sandwich
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2016 21:16:06 +0100
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> wget downloads 
> "http://www.mfd.mw.tu-dresden.de/mfd/index.php/lehre/wintersemester/videos-winter";,
>  parses it for 
> URLs and in the end this document becomes removed because it doesn't fit your 
> settings.
That's what I consider the flawed logic. Wget shouldn't remove URLs
explicitly given on the command line, IMHO.
*Edit*: --debug revealed that actually, the no-parent (-np) setting
caused the problem. Can someone confirm wget actually does behave like
stated above? It seems so ^^

> Did you try -A '*.pdf' -R '*.asx' ? (Quotes to avoid shell wildcard
> expansion.)
No pdf files on this page, I was just giving an example.. In my case
it's about .asx-files (dreadful stuff^^) but more commonly, it might be
.pdf-files for others.

> Sorry, but I can only reach the login page...
Yeah, horrible habitude to password-shield educational content..
> else I could have a look deeper inside. Right now I just have to guess.

> Your '-A asx' means: Just download/keep *.asx files
> Your '--accept-regex videos' means: Just download/keep *video* files
> That means, you only want to download *video*.asx files.
> Is that what you want ?
No.. I want to include all asx files, plus the initial URL which
contains the actual links thereto.
Guess I could cook up .. hmm *fumble*
> --regex-type pcre --accept-regex '(videos-winter$|asx$)'
This did the trick. But... mmh ...
Ok my copy'n paste derp. The --no-parent option was the problem. Without
it & with -A asx, it just works™.

#Thanks & Best Regards/MPartap

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