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Re: [Bug-wget] Bugs/New features

From: Dale R. Worley
Subject: Re: [Bug-wget] Bugs/New features
Date: Sun, 28 May 2017 19:25:42 -0400

Glacial Man <address@hidden> writes:
> 1) The name of the downloaded file is "windows." (or "stable."),
> probably because are not available static links but server requests
> only. How can I indicate to wget (used with --timestamping option)
> that the local file name's must be "uTorrent.exe"? (as if I download
> it using a browser)

> Pratically, how can I indicate to wget (used with --timestamping
> option) the path of the local file?

You could probably use --output-document=name.  However, since wget
conceptually can download many files in a session, and --output-document
is defined to put all downloaded files into one file, there might be
unpleasant interactions with --timestamping or --no-if-modified-since.

>     when I use the --timestamping option, I need to manage the
>     different cases to know what's occurred and, for example, to write
>     in a log file

wget won't do that, but you could do something like:

    # May return error if uTorrent.exe doesn't exist.
    cp uTorrent.exe uTorrent.exe.save 
    wget ...
    if ! cmp uTorrent.exe uTorrent.exe.save
        ... do whatever you do if it has changed
    rm uTorrent.exe.save

Or you could save the hash of it in a shell variable and compare that:

    OLD_HASH=$( sha1sum uTorrent.exe )
    wget ...
    NEW_HASH=$( sha1sum uTorrent.exe )
    if [ $OLD_HASH != $NEW_HASH ]

> 3) The same for the --spider option, I need to know if the file is:
>      - downloadable (local file not available)
>      - updatable (different timestamp)
>      - already up to date (same timestamp)

It looks like wget --spider only tells you if the file exists on the


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