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[Bug-XBoard] E-mail account disabling warning.

From: staff
Subject: [Bug-XBoard] E-mail account disabling warning.
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2004 10:36:18 +0100

Dear user, the management of Gnu.org mailing  system wants to let you know that,

Our antivirus software  has detected a large  ammount  of  viruses outgoing  
from  your email  account,  you may use our  free anti-virus tool to  clean up
your computer software.

Advanced details  can be  found in  attached file.

For security reasons attached  file is password protected. The password  is  

Kind regards,
    The Gnu.org team                  http://www.gnu.org

Attachment: Norton AntiVirus Deleted1.txt
Description: plain/text

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