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Re: [Bug-XBoard] On building xboard/winboard on Windows

From: Eric Mullins
Subject: Re: [Bug-XBoard] On building xboard/winboard on Windows
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2009 11:18:50 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)

I just d/l the tarball and followed the instructions.  Worked fine.

Make sure you are in the winboard subdirectory.
Make sure you use nmake.  MSVC doesn't have a make utility.

Otherwise, please give the exact error message.

I see both makefiles in the winboard subdir.

John Summerfield wrote:
I see a security issue in winboard, and thought to try to fix it.

The only directions I see for building it are those included in the tarball which, with some inconvenience, I've unpacked.

I don't have CYGWIN, but do have the MS tools (no-charge version). According to the README file in the package,
You can build WinBoard using Microsoft Visual C with the following
commands, or by opening the project in Visual Studio and clicking the
build button.

    cd winboard
    nmake -f makefile.ms

Wheter I can use the MS compile or not, the makefile does not exist. Where do I find the proper instructions?

I have the xboard 4.4.1 tarball.

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