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Re: [bug #61729] generic no gnuchess on localhost error or arch family

From: Simon Scatton
Subject: Re: [bug #61729] generic no gnuchess on localhost error or arch family
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2021 21:01:53 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/91.4.1


On 12/27/21 20:33, Alan Bennett wrote:
I think there are two parts. (1) The Arch package is 4.9.1-3 while xboard version is 4.9.1, so the user sees a "tail number" of 1 instead of 3. (2) Gnuchess is in the default xboard engine list, but needed a separate install via the package manager. If not installed by the user, xboard reports an error. (Actually I get two errors, the second one "broken pipe" is fatal to xboard.)

Sorry if it wasn't my place to speak to this issue.


If you are correct then the issue with the arch packages is to see with
the maintainer of the arch package which is not any of us I believe ? I
can see that it's Sergej Pupykin on the AUR.

For the gnuchess issue this is also a problem of dependencies I believe.

Although this raises valid concern on error handling on missing
dependencies on our end, I'll add that to the todo list I have.

If there is anything more that we can do please let me know otherwise
I'll let Adi close the issue on Savannah.

Best regards,

Simon Scatton

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