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Re: CERTI-Devel Digest, Vol 23, Issue 4

From: Christian Stenzel
Subject: Re: CERTI-Devel Digest, Vol 23, Issue 4
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 12:49:43 +0200
User-agent: IceDove (X11/20070607)

>>Eric wrote:
Don't know but this seems a bug.
You could file it to the tracker

Ideally you could attach  an example source file
to the newly created bug item.
I put it on the tracker and attached a little
test file. I followed blindly the link so I forgot
the login procedure. Sorry about that, next time
I'll will be aware of it.

>>Eric wrote:
The location of the fed-File have to be relative to rtig. In my opinion
a relative path to rtia would be a better solution.

The fact is RTIG may well be running on a completely different host
than RTIA. In current implementation Federate ask for a file then
RTIA ask the file to RTIG which will send the file to RTIA.

This is MUCH easier to deploy than what we had before.
Before that everybody was loading the file (every RTIA AND RTIG)
but this scheme has several weakness:
   - RTIAs and/or RTIG could load DIFFERENT files
   - you have to deploy FED file on each host running either
     RTIA/federate and RTIG.

With the current scheme you only need to deploy a SINGLE fed file
on RTIG running site. RTIG will send the file (using specialized message).
to each Federate which join the federation.

Thus RTIG looks for the file

1) with the path specified by the Federate (named FEDid_name in source code)
      1.a) may be absolute
      1.b) may be relative to RTIG workdir.

2) Using CERTI_HOME env var, RTIG looks for:
     getenv(CERTI_HOME)+"/share/federations"+ FEDid_name

3) default (unix) installation place plus FEDid_name
    i.e.     "/usr/local/share/federation/" + FEDid_name

for detail.

The CERTI_HOME scheme may not be powerful enough and we may implement
as CERTI_FED_PATH or something.
This is not a high in priority list though.

>>Jean-Yves wrote:

No, because the fed-File is shared by all federation and rtig needs it. rtig sends a copy to all rtia during join.

I thought about your remarks. Relative paths to rtia are usual practice in
other rti implementations (DMSO, pitch). So it seemed uncommon to me. But
now I know your reasons and understand your objections. Indeed in a
distributed environment your solution make sense and is the preferred way.

To my third question ("spinning while joining")
>>Eric wrote:

Could you point us to source code in Billard sources files?
If you are talking about the code snippet:

while (!joined && nb > 0) {
      nb-- ;

inside Billard.cc

I mean indeed this code snippet.

So long,

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