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Re: [certi-dev] Where to store libHLA tests?

From: Eric Noulard
Subject: Re: [certi-dev] Where to store libHLA tests?
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 14:38:55 +0100

2008/11/6 Gotthard, Petr <address@hidden>:
> Eric,
>> You may not submit (without more work) in a single dashboard
>> both certi/ and applications/HLA_TestsSuite because they are
>> separate CMake project.
> I see. This explains why there are two dashboards. :-)

Moreover this is not a bug, but a wanted feature ;-)

>> I don't think so, but may be I misunderstood what you want to do?
>> If this is the case then tell us what you want to do?
> Well, I have a .cc file to test some libHLA functionality and would like
> to integrate it into some of the existing dashboards. Creating a new
> dashboard for libHLA seems to me superfluous.


> But... How about the certi/test/utility? It seems to be the directory I
> was looking for. I may add a TestHLAtypes.cc there and add a new test.

It's a possibility, you could do that. However....

> This way it should automatically get integrated into the CERTI dashboard.

    _ANY_ test added through ADD_TEST (see cmake --help-command add_test)
in _ANY_ CMakeLists.txt
of _ANY_ certi/ subdirectory

will automatically be added in the CERTI dashboard...

as soon as the sub-tree where the test is compiled and added is included
in the CERTI build.

So you put yout test .cc file(s) for libHLA strictly where you want.
Two reasonable options are:
   1) certi/test/utility
   2) certi/libHLA

I let you chose.

A little more on test, the steps for adding a test is:

1) Create your test executable with
    ADD_EXECUTABLE(YourTest yourtest.cc ....any needed source file)
   TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(YourTest <whatever needed libs>)

2) optionnally install it if you find it useful in order, for example,
    to ease bug report.

                  RUNTIME DESTINATION bin
                  LIBRARY DESTINATION lib
                  ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib)

    CertiUtilTests is installed but this not mandatory

3) Add as many tests using this executables as you want:

    ADD_TEST(YourTest-Opt1 YourTest opt1)
    ADD_TEST(YourTest-Opt2-Opt3 YourTest opt2 opt3)

Then when you submit to dashboard you may either do

a) ctest --overwrite Site=<YourSite> --overwrite
BuildName=<YourBuildName> -D Nightly
b) ctest --overwrite Site=<YourSite> --overwrite
BuildName=<YourBuildName> -D NightlyMemoryCheck
c) ctest --overwrite Site=<YourSite> --overwrite
BuildName=<YourBuildName> -D Experimental

a) launch only Configure/Build/Test
b) launch Configure/Build/Test with memory checking (using valgrind on Linux)
c) launch Experimental Configure/Build/Test without memcheck

You may look at today's CERTI dashboard for sample result:


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