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[certi-dev] Some mistakes found while compiling CERT 3.4.3

From: ????????
Subject: [certi-dev] Some mistakes found while compiling CERT 3.4.3
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 14:20:46 +0800

Hello,everyone.I'm compiling CERTI 3.4.3,but I found some misktakes while doing it.
My environmet:Win7 32 Bits,Cmake, MSVC 2012 update4, Chinese.
some tools:bison.exe,flex.exe,gzip.exe,gunzip.exe were downloaded from


while using Cmake ,I set COMPRESSIONCOMAND = D:/UnxUtils/usr/local/wbin/gzip.exe,GUNZIPCOMMAND=path/gunzip.exe,LEX_PROGRAM=path/flex.exe and YACC_PROGRAM=path/bison.exe.

configure and generate the solution.All is OK.

 Then I load CERTI.sln??and to generate the whole solution and foud some mistakes:

1,while compiling liCERTI:

 Generating tokens.cc
       Generating syntax.cc, syntax.h
       e:/certi/certi-3.4.3-source/libcerti/syntax.yy:78: unrecognized: %error_verbose
       e:/certi/certi-3.4.3-source/libcerti/syntax.yy:78:    Skipping to next %
      C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V110\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(172,5): error MSB6006: ??cmd.exe?? exit with 1.

2,in tokens.cc line 26,# include <unistd.h> can not be found,miss a precompile macro?

I know nothing about compile tools,so I can do nothing about the first mistake but waiting.`|`

can some one fix the problem?thank you.



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