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[Cfgstoragemk-dev] industrious

From: Leo Pugh
Subject: [Cfgstoragemk-dev] industrious
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2006 11:30:47 -0700

The Native comes in and closes the door carefully.
It will just end in their getting married like other people.
I am sorry to disappoint you, Sir Ferdinand; but daughtering is agame I have no turn for. In Act I, fatherand son are exceptionally courteous.
My second marriage was a success: I knewwhat to expect.
And myspeculations turn out well when I spend an hour here and just emptymy mind.
I repeat the service every day; yet it does not bore me:there is always something new in it. You give me a happinessI have never experienced before.
Bothering about happiness is the worstunhappiness. We must begoodnatured and make the best of it. I know nothing about her; and she knows nothing about me. I like housekeeping; and Imnot sentimental. I like housekeeping; and Imnot sentimental.
I was in love threetimes before I married a friend who was not in love with me nor Iwith him. I do not think you should speakof your dead wife in such terms.
If he followed me across the Atlantic, and tracked meback again, he must be as mad as I am. It is curious how happy I always feel here. If he followed me across the Atlantic, and tracked meback again, he must be as mad as I am. Bothering about happiness is the worstunhappiness.
Is Clemmy going to marryhim or is she not? Shall I profane the temple if I kiss my daughter here?
But that does not justify false pretences. My brother Cyril is a doctor, headof a mental hospital for incurables.

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