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[Chicken-hackers] Re: [Chicken-users] html files not in Darcs

From: Brandon J. Van Every
Subject: [Chicken-hackers] Re: [Chicken-users] html files not in Darcs
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 11:02:31 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

felix winkelmann wrote:
On 9/23/06, Brandon J. Van Every <address@hidden> wrote:
dist.cmake has a lot of new references to files "html/blah blah
blah.html".  These files are not in Darcs; at least, pulling from Darcs
does not create them.  Consequently, "make dist" fails with an error
that the 1st of these files does not exist.  If these files are supposed
to be in Darcs, then this is easily remedied.  On the other hand if
these are generated files, they need to be handled differently.


I have added the necessary files to the darcs distro. The horrible
and crude (csi) script makehtmldocs (call as "misc/makehtmldocs" from
the root dir, careful: it needs a couple of eggs) generates the HTML pages
from a copy of the current
wiki pages. I have changed dist.cmake to tar up the the html pages,
but I don't know whether there should be any additional logic to
update the files in CMakeListst.txt.

I can't help with this. Too much eviction etc. Please just put the generated HTML pages in the chicken/html directory of the Darcs repository, so that dist.cmake can find them, and call it done. The current CMake build is not designed to download and install eggs and suck things off the wiki. If you want to implement that functionality yourself, fine; it's going to cost you development and testing time.

Brandon Van Every

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