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[Chicken-hackers] chicken-profile patch

From: Andre Kuehne
Subject: [Chicken-hackers] chicken-profile patch
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 22:22:38 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070221)

Hi everyone

The attached patch contains some changes to chicken-profile:

* bugfix in format-real:  handle e.g. 1.23e-05
* dynamic column widths, depending on content
* add option -decimals: set number of decimals per column
* add option -top: display only the top N entries

If you want me to split this up or anything, feedback is always welcome.

Best Wishes
Andre Kühne

diff -rN -u old-chicken/chicken-profile.scm new-chicken/chicken-profile.scm
--- old-chicken/chicken-profile.scm     2007-04-24 22:05:26.000000000 +0200
+++ new-chicken/chicken-profile.scm     2007-04-24 22:05:26.000000000 +0200
@@ -35,22 +35,29 @@
-  (uses srfi-1))
+  (uses srfi-1
+       srfi-13))
 (define sort-by #f)
 (define file #f)
 (define no-unused #f)
+(define seconds-digits 3)
+(define average-digits 3)
+(define percent-digits 3)
+(define top 0)
 (define (print-usage)
-  (display #<<EOF
+  (display #<#EOF
 Usage: chicken-profile [FILENAME | OPTION] ...
  -sort-by-calls            sort output by call frequency
  -sort-by-time             sort output by procedure execution time
  -sort-by-avg              sort output by average procedure execution time
  -sort-by-name             sort output alphabetically by procedure name
+ -decimals DDD             set number of decimals for seconds, average and
+                           percent columns (three digits, default: 
  -no-unused                remove procedures that are never called
+ -top N                    display only the top N entries
  -help                     show this text and exit
  -version                  show version and exit
  -release                  show release number and exit
@@ -69,6 +76,15 @@
          (write-profile) )
        (let ([arg (car args)]
              [rest (cdr args)] )
+         (define (next-arg)
+           (if (null? rest)
+               (error "missing argument to option" arg)
+               (let ((narg (car rest)))
+                 (set! rest (cdr rest))
+                 narg)))
+         (define (next-number)
+           (let ((n (string->number (next-arg))))
+             (if (and n (> n 0)) n (error "invalid argument to option" arg))))
          (match arg
            [(or "-h" "-help" "--help") (print-usage)]
            [(or "-v" "-version") 
@@ -78,10 +94,12 @@
             (print (chicken-version))
             (exit) ]
            ["-no-unused" (set! no-unused #t)]
+           ["-top" (set! top (next-number))]
            ["-sort-by-calls" (set! sort-by sort-by-calls)]
            ["-sort-by-time" (set! sort-by sort-by-time)]
            ["-sort-by-avg" (set! sort-by sort-by-avg)]
            ["-sort-by-name" (set! sort-by sort-by-name)]
+           ["-decimals" (set-decimals (next-arg))]
            [_ (cond [(and (> (string-length arg) 1) (char=? #\- (string-ref 
arg 0)))
                      (error "invalid option" arg) ]
                     [file (print-usage)]
@@ -114,6 +132,20 @@
 (set! sort-by sort-by-time)
+(define (set-decimals arg)
+  (if (= (string-length arg) 3)
+      (begin
+       (define (arg-digit n)
+         (let ((n (- (char->integer (string-ref arg n))
+                     (char->integer #\0))))
+           (if (<= 0 n 9)
+               (if (= n 9) 8 n) ; 9 => overflow in format-real
+               (error "invalid argument to -decimals option" arg))))
+       (set! seconds-digits (arg-digit 0))
+       (set! average-digits (arg-digit 1))
+       (set! percent-digits (arg-digit 2)))
+      (error "invalid argument to -decimals option" arg)))
 (define (read-profile)
   (let ((hash (make-hash-table eq?)))
     (do ((line (read) (read)))
@@ -129,15 +161,17 @@
        (string-append pad str)
        (string-append str pad) ) ) )
-(define (format-real n cols fcols)
-  (let ((an (abs n)))
-    (format-string
-     (string-append
-      (number->string (inexact->exact (truncate n)))
-      "."
-      (let ((fstr (format-string (substring (number->string (exact->inexact (- 
an (truncate an)))) 2) fcols #f #\0)))
-       (substring fstr 0 (fxmin (string-length fstr) fcols))) )
-     cols #t #\space) ) )
+(define (format-real n d)
+  (let ((exact-value (inexact->exact (truncate n))))
+    (string-append
+     (number->string exact-value)
+     (if (> d 0) "." "")
+     (substring
+      (number->string
+       (inexact->exact
+       (truncate
+        (* (- n exact-value -1) (expt 10 d)))))
+      1 (+ d 1)))))
 (define (write-profile)
   (let* ([data0 (with-input-from-file file read-profile)]
@@ -154,34 +188,36 @@
-                     sort-by)]
-        [line (make-string 79 #\-)] )
-    (print (format-string "procedure" 38)
-          " "
-          (format-string "calls" 9 #t)
-          " "
-          (format-string "seconds" 9 #t)
-          " "
-          (format-string "average" 9 #t)
-          " "
-          (format-string "percent" 8 #t) )
-    (print line)
-    (for-each
-     (lambda (entry)
-       (let ([c (second entry)]
-            [t (third entry)]
-            [a (cadddr entry)]
-            [p (list-ref entry 4)] )
-        (unless (and (zero? c) no-unused)
-          (print (format-string (##sys#symbol->qualified-string (first entry)) 
-                 " "
-                 (format-string (number->string c) 9 #t)
-                 " "
-                 (format-real (/ t 1000) 9 3)
-                 " "
-                 (format-real (/ a 1000) 9 3)
-                 " "
-                 (format-real p 8 4) ) ) ) )
-     data) ) )
+                     sort-by)])
+    (if (< 0 top (length data))
+       (set! data (take data top)))
+    (set! data (map (lambda (entry)
+                     (let ([c (second entry)]
+                           [t (third entry)]
+                           [a (cadddr entry)]
+                           [p (list-ref entry 4)] )
+                       (list (##sys#symbol->qualified-string (first entry))
+                             (number->string c)
+                             (format-real (/ t 1000) seconds-digits)
+                             (format-real (/ a 1000) average-digits)
+                             (format-real p percent-digits))))
+                   (filter (lambda (entry) (not (and (zero? (second entry)) 
+                           data)))
+    (let* ([headers (list "procedure" "calls" "seconds" "average" "percent")]
+          [alignments (list #f #t #t #t #t)]
+          [spacing 2]
+          [spacer (make-string spacing #\space)]
+          [column-widths (fold-right
+                          (lambda (row max-widths)
+                            (map max (map string-length row) max-widths))
+                          (list 0 0 0 0 0)
+                          (cons headers data))])
+      (define (print-row row)
+       (print (string-join (map format-string row column-widths alignments) 
+      (print-row headers)
+      (print (make-string (+ (reduce + 0 column-widths)
+                            (* spacing (- (length alignments) 1)))
+                         #\-))
+      (for-each print-row data))))
 (run (command-line-arguments))

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