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Re: [Chicken-hackers] Re: use host PCRE to build the Debian package

From: Matthew Welland
Subject: Re: [Chicken-hackers] Re: use host PCRE to build the Debian package
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2008 02:44:06 -0700
User-agent: KMail/1.9.6 (enterprise 0.20070907.709405)

I don't think it is a very big deal but by using the host provided pcre 
isn't a small amount of RAM and flash storage saved for those of us 
dabbling with chicken on handheld devices?

On Monday 07 January 2008 01:19:01 am Ivan Shmakov wrote:
> >>>>> felix winkelmann <address@hidden> writes:
>  >>>
>  >>> Ivan, thanks for the patch, but PCRE has been bundled with chicken
>  >>> to actually avoid using the host-systems libpcre.
>  >>
>  >> Thus leading to duplication of the PCRE maintenance effort and,
>  >> what's even worse, to the duplication of the code, and therefore its
>  >> bugs.
>  >
>  > Since we sync directly with the upstream sources, I can't see this as
>  > code-duplication or extra maintenance.
>       With the current scheme, there're actually two copies of PCRE to
>       be installed on Debian system, one in /usr/lib/, and
>       one in /usr/bin/chicken.  If a bug is fixed in PCRE, the system
>       administrator is forced to upgrade both PCRE and Chicken.
>       Therefore, both the Debian developers team and the Chicken's one
>       would have to prepare the respective Debian packages.
>  >> Furthermore, if Chicken needs to be linked against a specific
>  >> version of PCRE, or (preferrably) a version of PCRE not older than
>  >> specific, `debian/control' has the means to specify so.
>  >
>  > What about non-debian systems?
>       My patch intentionally doesn't affect non-Debian builds.
>       However, I argue that the user should be allowed to choose which
>       version of PCRE to link against when building from source.
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