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Re: [Chicken-hackers] Egg filename versioning

From: Graham Fawcett
Subject: Re: [Chicken-hackers] Egg filename versioning
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2008 11:31:52 -0500

On 08 Feb 2008 13:16:48 -0200, Mario Domenech Goulart
<address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi Graham and folks,
> > It fetches the "tree" of metadata from the Chicken site, generates a list of
> > links, and proxies the download of eggs so that the filenames contain the
> > necessary timestamp.
> Great work!  To avoid inconsistencies, would it be possible/feasible
> to fetch the metadata [*] at each request?
> [*]
> (used by chicken-setup).

That's what it does now. I didn't realize that the /repository URL
existed; I was calling 'chicken-setup -fetch-tree' and piping in the
output. :-) I guess it works either way.

> PS: you get an internal server error if you strip the last slash from
> the URL (

Ah, right. I've fixed that.

The "magic" behind this is a basic CGI script; I'm attaching it,
anyone could run the same system on any CGI server.

> Thanks, Graham! Neat solution!


Leonardo, if you want to use my URL to set things up and verify things
are working well with your build system, that's fine. Let's just agree
that, at some future point in time, we'll move the CGI script to a
more appropriate host.


Attachment: gentoo-eggs
Description: Binary data

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