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[Chicken-hackers] [PATCH] csc: avoid overwriting files given on command

From: Felix
Subject: [Chicken-hackers] [PATCH] csc: avoid overwriting files given on command line
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 20:32:59 +0100 (CET)

This patch makes csc detect when intermediate files generated from
source files passed on the command-line conflict with other C or
object files that were explicitly given.

Reported by Alan, fixes #946.

>From 3c333cb9f467ad07b28274cc682fe1ef4a39d88f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: felix <address@hidden>
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 20:28:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] csc detects when intermediate files generated from source 
files passed
 on the command-line conflict with other C or object files that were
 explicitly given.

Reported by Alan Post.
 csc.scm |   33 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/csc.scm b/csc.scm
index 21c416e..62eb66d 100644
--- a/csc.scm
+++ b/csc.scm
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 (define elf
   (memq (software-version) '(linux netbsd freebsd solaris openbsd)))
-(define (quit msg . args)
+(define (stop msg . args)
   (fprintf (current-error-port) "~a: ~?~%" CSC_PROGRAM msg args)
   (exit 64) )
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ EOF
   (define (check o r . n)
     (unless (>= (length r) (optional n 1))
-      (quit "not enough arguments to option `~A'" o) ) )
+      (stop "not enough arguments to option `~A'" o) ) )
   (define (shared-build lib)
     (set! translate-options (cons* "-feature" "chicken-compile-shared" 
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ EOF
           (cond [(null? scheme-files)
                  (when (and (null? c-files) 
                             (null? object-files))
-                   (quit "no source files specified") )
+                   (stop "no source files specified") )
                  (let ((f0 (last (if (null? c-files) object-files c-files))))
                    (unless target-filename
                      (set! target-filename 
@@ -768,8 +768,8 @@ EOF
                                (if (null? (lset-difference char=? opts 
                                    (set! rest
                                      (append (map (lambda (o) (string-append 
"-" (string o))) opts) rest) )
-                                   (quit "invalid option `~A'" arg) ) ) ]
-                            [else (quit "invalid option `~A'" s)] ) ]
+                                   (stop "invalid option `~A'" arg) ) ) ]
+                            [else (stop "invalid option `~A'" s)] ) ]
                      [(file-exists? arg)
                       (let-values ([(dirs name ext) (decompose-pathname arg)])
                         (cond [(not ext)
@@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ EOF
                       (let ([f2 (string-append arg ".scm")])
                         (if (file-exists? f2)
                             (set! rest (cons f2 rest))
-                            (quit "file `~A' does not exist" arg) ) ) ] ) ] )
+                            (stop "file `~A' does not exist" arg) ) ) ] ) ] )
             (loop rest) ) ] ) ) )
@@ -802,13 +802,17 @@ EOF
 (define (run-translation)
    (lambda (f)
-     (let ([fc (pathname-replace-extension
-               (if (= 1 (length scheme-files))
+     (let* ((sf (if (= 1 (length scheme-files))
-                   f)
-               (cond (cpp-mode "cpp")
-                     (objc-mode "m")
-                     (else "c") ) ) ] )
+                   f))
+           (fc (pathname-replace-extension
+                sf
+                (cond (cpp-mode "cpp")
+                      (objc-mode "m")
+                      (else "c") ) ) ) )
+       (when (member fc c-files)
+        (stop "C file generated from `~a' will overwrite explicitly given 
source file `~a'"
+              f fc))
         (cons* translator (quotewrap f) 
@@ -839,7 +843,10 @@ EOF
   (let ((ofiles '()))
      (lambda (f)
-       (let ([fo (pathname-replace-extension f object-extension)])
+       (let ((fo (pathname-replace-extension f object-extension)))
+        (when (member fo object-files)
+          (stop "object file generated from `~a' will overwrite explicitly 
given object file `~a'"
+                f fo))
           (list (cond (cpp-mode c++-compiler)

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