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Re: [Chicken-hackers] [PATCH] R7RS delay/force/delay-force

From: Jörg F. Wittenberger
Subject: Re: [Chicken-hackers] [PATCH] R7RS delay/force/delay-force
Date: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 21:10:22 +0100
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Am 02.11.2013 06:21, schrieb John Cowan:
Jörg F. Wittenberger scripsit:

Rather uncontroversial: r7rs says "the result of a delayed
expression returning multiple values is unspecified". Hence it's OK
to actually return multiple values (as I'd prefer r7rs should have
explicitely required). The downside is that a portable program must
not depend on this to work.
The reason we didn't require this is that in order to cache the multiple
values, in practice the implementation would have to put them into a
data structure,

Sure it's easy to convert multiple value returns into a single value (e.g. a list) and back. Scheme _could_ be done without multiple values at all (the way you describe). Just: multiple values are useful as an alternative to "(one shot) objects" and _may_ be implemented more efficient.

The downside of the r7rs decision to leave things open this way is what we observe right now with chicken: users desire the consistency between direct calls and delay/force and hence implement the "complicated" way using an intermediate list structure (even deconstructing the zero-value case as a special case but handling the one-valued case using the generic multiple value procedure C_values, which is according to my understanding less efficient - hence it would have been better to handle the one-value case special... but even talking about these details is more complicated than the source code ever would be) while at the same time portable programs must avoid dependencies on this behavior and implement the very same thing otop once again. :-/
It specifies "if it is forced a second time, the previously computed
value is returned". This _could_ (and IMHO _should_) be understood
as if the delayed expression must only ever be evaluated once.
That's the most plausible interpretation, yes.

While I dunno how the wording could be: I wish it was possible to at least suggest that in rXrs somehow.

   But there are at least two issues: re-entrancy via call/cc and via threads 
in some implementations may be the same).  We left that open,
because it's not clear what the Right Thing is.

I'm short on wording too. Wouldn't it be possible to require "all sorts of reentrance" to return the result of the first invocation?

Maybe even declare "at least threads" should do "the right thing and block" (if nobody can come up with a trick to handle call/cc too.

As things are, the situation is so inconsistent that, well it's not Schemish at all. :-/

It's easier to provide test cases for all sorts of failures than an idea what force/delay are supposed to do.

In my code I try at least to cope with the multi-threaded case. ... and to avoid dancing all time around export/toplevel issues ... I'm using a weird "delay*" instead of the intended "delay" everywhere. Ugly a work around.

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