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[Chicken-hackers] [PATCH] Add basic Android shared library support

From: Peter Bex
Subject: [Chicken-hackers] [PATCH] Add basic Android shared library support
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2013 16:15:03 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/

Hi all!

Felix sent a nice christmas gift for us all, a set of 7 patches to
add support for iOS and Android, based on work done at Bevuta.
Since I'm currently also fiddling with Android at work I took the
opportunity to test and document the Android part of the patches.

Attached you'll find Felix's version with a few minor alterations by
myself.  For example, I found that the soname is causing trouble when
integrating the library in the application build scripts provided
by Android, so I disabled it (for now?).  I've set up some minimal
documentation at to get interested
people started.  These are the exact steps I did to get a simple
"Hello CHICKEN"-type program running on a Samsung Galaxy Note 8000.

This is (currently) not a "proper" cross-build, so the Makefile is
simply named  However, it has only been tested
with the Linux NDK so far (at least, by myself), so it may later
be renamed to be more suitable, depending on how specific it turns
out to be.  There's a lot of things that need to be done still, and
it could use some improvement but at least it's a start!

Hopefully others working with Android (Kristian? Moritz? Felix) can
chip in and help to smooth out the build and the documentation, and
perhaps get rid of the Java SDK requirement so we can build a full
CHICKEN with eggs using standalone mode.

The second patch adds well-deserved acknowledgements for Bevuta, and
moves other acknowledgements around a little bit.


Attachment: 0001-Added-Android-specific-changes-to-posix-unit-and-run.patch
Description: Text document

Attachment: 0002-Some-changes-in-the-acknowledgements-section-of-the-.patch
Description: Text document

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