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[Chicken-hackers] [PATCH(5)] remove memory-mapped-files, object-eviction

From: Felix Winkelmann
Subject: [Chicken-hackers] [PATCH(5)] remove memory-mapped-files, object-eviction, queues and binary-search from core
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 18:52:22 +0200 (CEST)


Attached is a patch for the chicken-5 branch that completes the recent
CR about removal/eggification of some core stuff.

I have moved the eggs into the release/5 branch.

Should the documentation go into .../wiki/eggref/5 ?

>From c5d5616ca85124550e833a61b7e9a8dda87195cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: felix <address@hidden>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 23:07:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Removed memory-mapped files, object-eviction, binary-search
 and queues - these are now available as eggs.

 NEWS                            |    6 ++
 data-structures.import.scm      |   13 ----
 data-structures.scm             |  135 --------------------------------
 lolevel.import.scm              |    6 --
 lolevel.scm                     |  127 ------------------------------
 manual/Acknowledgements         |    1 -
 manual/Types                    |    2 -
 manual/Unit data-structures     |  111 --------------------------
 manual/Unit lolevel             |   96 -----------------------
 manual/Unit posix               |   86 --------------------
 posix.import.scm                |   13 ----
 posixunix.scm                   |   51 ------------
 posixwin.scm                    |  164 ---------------------------------------
 tests/data-structures-tests.scm |  114 ---------------------------
 tests/lolevel-tests.scm         |   20 -----
 tests/posix-tests.scm           |   11 ---
 types.db                        |   37 ---------
 17 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 987 deletions(-)

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 6966d31..1a1daa0 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+5.0.0 (preliminary)
+- Removed support for memory-mapped files (posix), queues (data-structures),
+  binary-search (data-structures) and object-eviction (lolevel). These
+  are now available as eggs.
 - Security fixes
diff --git a/data-structures.import.scm b/data-structures.import.scm
index 2ddd78b..561ffad 100644
--- a/data-structures.import.scm
+++ b/data-structures.import.scm
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
-   binary-search
@@ -48,22 +47,10 @@
-   list->queue
-   make-queue
-   queue->list
-   queue-add!
-   queue-empty?
-   queue-first
-   queue-last
-   queue-length
-   queue-push-back!
-   queue-push-back-list!
-   queue-remove!
-   queue?
diff --git a/data-structures.scm b/data-structures.scm
index a94c163..22637e4 100644
--- a/data-structures.scm
+++ b/data-structures.scm
@@ -757,138 +757,3 @@
                      (cdar dag)
-;;; Binary search:
-(define binary-search
-  (lambda (vec proc)
-    (if (pair? vec)
-       (set! vec (list->vector vec))
-       (##sys#check-vector vec 'binary-search) )
-    (let ([len (##sys#size vec)])
-      (and (fx> len 0)
-          (let loop ([ps 0]
-                     [pe len] )
-            (let ([p (fx+ ps (##core#inline "C_fixnum_shift_right" (fx- pe ps) 
-              (let* ([x (##sys#slot vec p)]
-                     [r (proc x)] )
-                (cond [(fx= r 0) p]
-                      [(fx< r 0) (and (not (fx= pe p)) (loop ps p))]
-                      [else (and (not (fx= ps p)) (loop p pe))] ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
-; Support for queues
-; Written by Andrew Wilcox (address@hidden) on April 1, 1992.
-; This code is in the public domain.
-; (heavily adapated for use with CHICKEN by felix)
-; Elements in a queue are stored in a list.  The last pair in the list
-; is stored in the queue type so that datums can be added in constant
-; time.
-(define (make-queue) (##sys#make-structure 'queue '() '() 0))
-(define (queue? x) (##sys#structure? x 'queue))
-(define (queue-length q)               ; thread-safe
-  (##sys#check-structure q 'queue 'queue-length)
-  (##sys#slot q 3))
-(define (queue-empty? q)               ; thread-safe
-  (##sys#check-structure q 'queue 'queue-empty?)
-  (eq? '() (##sys#slot q 1)) )
-(define queue-first                    ; thread-safe
-  (lambda (q)
-    (##sys#check-structure q 'queue 'queue-first)
-    (let ((first-pair (##sys#slot q 1)))
-      (when (eq? '() first-pair)
-       (##sys#error 'queue-first "queue is empty" q))
-      (##sys#slot first-pair 0) ) ) )
-(define queue-last                     ; thread-safe
-  (lambda (q)
-    (##sys#check-structure q 'queue 'queue-last)
-    (let ((last-pair (##sys#slot q 2)))
-      (when (eq? '() last-pair)
-       (##sys#error 'queue-last "queue is empty" q))
-      (##sys#slot last-pair 0) ) ) )
-(define (queue-add! q datum)           ; thread-safe
-  (##sys#check-structure q 'queue 'queue-add!)
-  (let ((new-pair (cons datum '())))
-    (cond ((eq? '() (##sys#slot q 1)) (##sys#setslot q 1 new-pair))
-         (else (##sys#setslot (##sys#slot q 2) 1 new-pair)) )
-    (##sys#setslot q 2 new-pair) 
-    (##sys#setislot q 3 (fx+ (##sys#slot q 3) 1))
-    (##core#undefined) ) )
-(define queue-remove!                  ; thread-safe
-  (lambda (q)
-    (##sys#check-structure q 'queue 'queue-remove!)
-    (let ((first-pair (##sys#slot q 1)))
-      (when (eq? '() first-pair)
-       (##sys#error 'queue-remove! "queue is empty" q) )
-      (let ((first-cdr (##sys#slot first-pair 1)))
-       (##sys#setslot q 1 first-cdr)
-       (if (eq? '() first-cdr)
-           (##sys#setslot q 2 '()) )
-       (##sys#setislot q 3 (fx- (##sys#slot q 3) 1))
-       (##sys#slot first-pair 0) ) ) ) )
-(define (queue->list q)
-  (##sys#check-structure q 'queue 'queue->list)
-  (let loop ((lst (##sys#slot q 1)) (lst2 '()))
-    (if (null? lst)
-       (##sys#fast-reverse lst2)
-       (loop (##sys#slot lst 1) (cons (##sys#slot lst 0) lst2)))))
-(define (list->queue lst0)             
-  (##sys#check-list lst0 'list->queue)
-  (##sys#make-structure 
-   'queue lst0
-   (if (eq? lst0 '())
-       '()
-       (do ((lst lst0 (##sys#slot lst 1)))
-          ((eq? (##sys#slot lst 1) '()) lst)
-        (if (or (not (##core#inline "C_blockp" lst))
-                (not (##core#inline "C_pairp" lst)) )
-            (##sys#error-not-a-proper-list lst0 'list->queue) ) ) )
-   (##sys#length lst0)) )
-; (queue-push-back! queue item)
-; Pushes an item into the first position of a queue.
-(define (queue-push-back! q item)      ; thread-safe
-  (##sys#check-structure q 'queue 'queue-push-back!)
-  (let ((newlist (cons item (##sys#slot q 1))))
-    (##sys#setslot q 1 newlist)
-    (if (eq? '() (##sys#slot q 2))
-       (##sys#setslot q 2 newlist))
-    (##sys#setislot q 3 (fx+ (##sys#slot q 3) 1))))
-; (queue-push-back-list! queue item-list)
-; Pushes the items in item-list back onto the queue,
-; so that (car item-list) becomes the next removable item.
-(define-inline (last-pair lst0)
-  (do ((lst lst0 (##sys#slot lst 1)))
-      ((eq? (##sys#slot lst 1) '()) lst)))
-(define (queue-push-back-list! q itemlist)
-  (##sys#check-structure q 'queue 'queue-push-back-list!)
-  (##sys#check-list itemlist 'queue-push-back-list!)
-  (let* ((newlist (append itemlist (##sys#slot q 1)))
-        (newtail (if (eq? newlist '())
-                      '()
-                      (last-pair newlist))))
-    (##sys#setslot q 1 newlist)
-    (##sys#setslot q 2 newtail)
-    (##sys#setislot q 3 (fx+ (##sys#slot q 3) (##core#inline "C_i_length" 
diff --git a/lolevel.import.scm b/lolevel.import.scm
index 7a60cc5..1e6f028 100644
--- a/lolevel.import.scm
+++ b/lolevel.import.scm
@@ -50,12 +50,6 @@
-   object-evict
-   object-evict-to-location
-   object-evicted?
-   object-release
-   object-size
-   object-unevict
diff --git a/lolevel.scm b/lolevel.scm
index b8ed995..aeaeb79 100644
--- a/lolevel.scm
+++ b/lolevel.scm
@@ -473,133 +473,6 @@ EOF
       (##sys#setslot v i (##sys#slot x i)) ) ) )
-;;; Evict objects into static memory:
-(define (object-evicted? x) (##core#inline "C_permanentp" x))
-(define (object-evict x . allocator)
-  (let ([allocator 
-        (if (pair? allocator) (car allocator) (foreign-lambda c-pointer 
"C_malloc" int) ) ] 
-       [tab (make-hash-table eq?)] )
-    (##sys#check-closure allocator 'object-evict)
-    (let evict ([x x])
-      (cond [(not (##core#inline "C_blockp" x)) x ]
-           [(hash-table-ref/default tab x #f) ]
-           [else
-            (let* ([n (##sys#size x)]
-                   [bytes (if (##core#inline "C_byteblockp" x) (align-to-word 
n) (##core#inline "C_bytes" n))]
-                   [y (##core#inline "C_evict_block" x (allocator (fx+ bytes 
(##core#inline "C_bytes" 1))))] )
-              (when (symbol? x) (##sys#setislot y 0 (void)))
-              (hash-table-set! tab x y)
-              (unless (##core#inline "C_byteblockp" x)
-                (do ([i (if (or (##core#inline "C_specialp" x) (symbol? x)) 1 
0) (fx+ i 1)])
-                    [(fx>= i n)]
-                  ;; Note the use of `##sys#setislot' to avoid an entry in the 
-                  (##sys#setislot y i (evict (##sys#slot x i))) ) )
-              y ) ] ) ) ) )
-(define (object-evict-to-location x ptr . limit)
-  (##sys#check-special ptr 'object-evict-to-location)
-  (let* ([limit (and (pair? limit)
-                    (let ([limit (car limit)])
-                      (##sys#check-exact limit 'object-evict-to-location)
-                      limit)) ]
-        [ptr2 (##sys#address->pointer (##sys#pointer->address ptr))]
-        [tab (make-hash-table eq?)]
-        [x2
-         (let evict ([x x])
-           (cond [(not (##core#inline "C_blockp" x)) x ]
-                 [(hash-table-ref/default tab x #f) ]
-                 [else
-                  (let* ([n (##sys#size x)]
-                         [bytes 
-                          (fx+ (if (##core#inline "C_byteblockp" x) 
(align-to-word n) (##core#inline "C_bytes" n))
-                               (##core#inline "C_bytes" 1) ) ] )
-                    (when limit
-                      (set! limit (fx- limit bytes))
-                      (when (fx< limit 0) 
-                        (signal
-                         (make-composite-condition
-                          (make-property-condition
-                           'exn 'location 'object-evict-to-location
-                           'message "cannot evict object - limit exceeded" 
-                           'arguments (list x limit))
-                          (make-property-condition 'evict 'limit limit) ) ) ) )
-                  (let ([y (##core#inline "C_evict_block" x ptr2)])
-                    (when (symbol? x) (##sys#setislot y 0 (void)))
-                    (##sys#set-pointer-address! ptr2 (+ 
(##sys#pointer->address ptr2) bytes))
-                    (hash-table-set! tab x y)
-                    (unless (##core#inline "C_byteblockp" x)
-                      (do ([i (if (or (##core#inline "C_specialp" x) (symbol? 
x)) 1 0) (fx+ i 1)] )
-                          [(fx>= i n)]
-                        (##sys#setislot y i (evict (##sys#slot x i))) ) ) ; 
see above
-                    y) ) ] ) ) ] )
-    (values x2 ptr2) ) )
-(define (object-release x . releaser)
-  (let ([free (if (pair? releaser) 
-                 (car releaser) 
-                 (foreign-lambda void "C_free" c-pointer) ) ]
-       [released '() ] )
-    (let release ([x x])
-      (cond [(not (##core#inline "C_blockp" x)) x ]
-           [(not (##core#inline "C_permanentp" x)) x ]
-           [(memq x released) x ]
-           [else
-            (let ([n (##sys#size x)])
-              (set! released (cons x released))
-              (unless (##core#inline "C_byteblockp" x)
-                (do ([i (if (##core#inline "C_specialp" x) 1 0) (fx+ i 1)])
-                    [(fx>= i n)]
-                  (release (##sys#slot x i))) )
-              (free 
-               (##sys#address->pointer
-                (##core#inline_allocate ("C_block_address" 4) x))) ) ] ) ) ) )
-(define (object-size x)
-  (let ([tab (make-hash-table eq?)])
-    (let evict ([x x])
-      (cond [(not (##core#inline "C_blockp" x)) 0 ]
-           [(hash-table-ref/default tab x #f) 0 ]
-           [else
-            (let* ([n (##sys#size x)]
-                   [bytes
-                    (fx+ (if (##core#inline "C_byteblockp" x) (align-to-word 
n) (##core#inline "C_bytes" n))
-                         (##core#inline "C_bytes" 1) ) ] )
-              (hash-table-set! tab x #t)
-              (unless (##core#inline "C_byteblockp" x)
-                (do ([i (if (or (##core#inline "C_specialp" x) (symbol? x)) 1 
0) (fx+ i 1)])
-                    [(fx>= i n)]
-                  (set! bytes (fx+ (evict (##sys#slot x i)) bytes)) ) )
-              bytes) ] ) ) ) )
-(define (object-unevict x #!optional full)
-  (let ([tab (make-hash-table eq?)])
-    (let copy ([x x])
-    (cond [(not (##core#inline "C_blockp" x)) x ]
-         [(not (##core#inline "C_permanentp" x)) x ]
-         [(hash-table-ref/default tab x #f) ]
-         [(##core#inline "C_byteblockp" x) 
-          (if full
-              (let ([y (##core#inline "C_copy_block" x (##sys#make-string 
(##sys#size x)))])
-                (hash-table-set! tab x y)
-                y) 
-              x) ]
-         [(symbol? x) 
-          (let ([y (##sys#intern-symbol (##sys#slot x 1))])
-            (hash-table-set! tab x y)
-            y) ]
-         [else
-          (let* ([words (##sys#size x)]
-                 [y (##core#inline "C_copy_block" x (##sys#make-vector 
words))] )
-            (hash-table-set! tab x y)
-            (do ([i (if (##core#inline "C_specialp" x) 1 0) (fx+ i 1)])
-                ((fx>= i words))
-              (##sys#setslot y i (copy (##sys#slot y i))) )
-            y) ] ) ) ) )
 ;;; `become':
 (define (object-become! alst)
diff --git a/manual/Acknowledgements b/manual/Acknowledgements
index 107a944..c8c4f09 100644
--- a/manual/Acknowledgements
+++ b/manual/Acknowledgements
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ CHICKEN contains code from several people:
 ; Richard O'Keefe : sorting routines.
 ; Alex Shinn : the [[|irregex]] regular 
expression package.
 ; Olin Shivers : implementation of {{let-optionals[*]}} and reference 
implementations of SRFI-1, SRFI-13 and SRFI-14.
-; Andrew Wilcox : queues.
 The documentation and examples for explicit renaming macros was taken from
 the following paper:
diff --git a/manual/Types b/manual/Types
index b2861f6..904a37e 100644
--- a/manual/Types
+++ b/manual/Types
@@ -186,12 +186,10 @@ these names directly in type-specifications - {{TYPE}} 
corresponds to
 <tr><td>{{f32vector}}</td><td>SRFI-4 byte vector</td></tr>
 <tr><td>{{f64vector}}</td><td>SRFI-4 byte vector</td></tr>
 <tr><td>{{thread}}</td><td>SRFI-18 thread</td></tr>
-<tr><td>{{queue}}</td><td>see "data-structures" unit</td></tr>
 <tr><td>{{environment}}</td><td>evaluation environment</td></tr>
 <tr><td>{{time}}</td><td>SRFI-18 "time" object</td></tr>
 <tr><td>{{continuation}}</td><td>continuation object</td></tr>
 <tr><td>{{lock}}</td><td>lock object from "posix" unit</td></tr>
-<tr><td>{{mmap}}</td><td>memory mapped file</td></tr>
 <tr><td>{{condition}}</td><td>object representing exception</td></tr>
 <tr><td>{{hash-table}}</td><td>SRFI-69 hash-table</td></tr>
 <tr><td>{{tcp-listener}}</td><td>listener object from "tcp" unit</td></tr>
diff --git a/manual/Unit data-structures b/manual/Unit data-structures
index 803db57..c38ac0c 100644
--- a/manual/Unit data-structures       
+++ b/manual/Unit data-structures       
@@ -123,103 +123,6 @@ between each sublist. {{LIST}} defaults to the empty list.
 Returns true if {{X}} is one of the tails (cdr's) of {{LIST}}.
-=== Queues
-==== list->queue
-<procedure>(list->queue LIST)</procedure>
-Returns {{LIST}} converted into a queue, where the first element
-of the list is the same as the first element of the queue. The resulting
-queue may share memory with the list and the list should not be modified
-after this operation.
-==== make-queue
-Returns a newly created queue.
-==== queue?
-<procedure>(queue? X)</procedure>
-Returns {{#t}} if {{X}} is a queue, or {{#f}} otherwise.
-==== queue-length
-<procedure>(queue-length QUEUE)</procedure>
-Returns the current number of items stored in {{QUEUE}}.
-==== queue->list
-<procedure>(queue->list QUEUE)</procedure>
-Returns {{QUEUE}} converted into a list, where the first element
-of the list is the same as the first element of the queue. The resulting
-list is freshly allocated and does not share memory with the queue object.
-==== queue-add!
-<procedure>(queue-add! QUEUE X)</procedure>
-Adds {{X}} to the rear of {{QUEUE}}.
-==== queue-empty?
-<procedure>(queue-empty? QUEUE)</procedure>
-Returns {{#t}} if {{QUEUE}} is empty, or {{#f}} otherwise.
-==== queue-first
-<procedure>(queue-first QUEUE)</procedure>
-Returns the first element of {{QUEUE}}. If {{QUEUE}} is empty
-an error is signaled
-==== queue-last
-<procedure>(queue-last QUEUE)</procedure>
-Returns the last element of {{QUEUE}}. If {{QUEUE}} is empty
-an error is signaled
-==== queue-remove!
-<procedure>(queue-remove! QUEUE)</procedure>
-Removes and returns the first element of {{QUEUE}}. If {{QUEUE}}
-is empty an error is signaled
-==== queue-push-back!
-<procedure>(queue-push-back! QUEUE ITEM)</procedure>
-Pushes an item into the first position of a queue, i.e. the next
-{{queue-remove!}} will return {{ITEM}}.
-==== queue-push-back-list!
-<procedure>(queue-push-back-list! QUEUE LIST)</procedure>
-Pushes the items in item-list back onto the queue,
-so that {{(car LIST)}} becomes the next removable item.
 === Sorting
@@ -583,20 +486,6 @@ A single value version of {{compose}} (slightly faster). 
{{(o)}} is equivalent
 to {{identity}}.
-=== Binary searching
-==== binary-search
-<procedure>(binary-search SEQUENCE PROC)</procedure>
-Performs a binary search in {{SEQUENCE}}, which should be a sorted
-list or vector.  {{PROC}} is called to compare items in the sequence,
-should accept a single argument and return an exact integer: zero if the
-searched value is equal to the current item, negative if the searched
-value is ''less'' than the current item, and positive otherwise.
-Returns the index of the found value or {{#f}} otherwise.
 Previous: [[Unit expand]]
diff --git a/manual/Unit lolevel b/manual/Unit lolevel
index c791122..7f80006 100644
--- a/manual/Unit lolevel       
+++ b/manual/Unit lolevel       
@@ -348,7 +348,6 @@ on the locative. The container object can be computed by 
calling the
 {{locative->object}} procedure.
 Locatives may be passed to foreign procedures that expect pointer arguments.
-The effect of creating locatives for evicted data (see {{object-evict}}) is 
 ==== make-locative
@@ -530,101 +529,6 @@ for the source and destination arguments.
 Signals an error if any of the above constraints is violated.
-=== Data in unmanaged memory
-==== object-evict
-<procedure>(object-evict X [ALLOCATOR])</procedure>
-Copies the object {{X}} recursively into the memory pointed to by the foreign
-pointer object returned by {{ALLOCATOR}}.  The freshly copied object is
-returned.  {{ALLOCATOR}} should be a procedure of a single argument
-(the number of bytes to allocate), and defaults to {{allocate}}.
-This facility allows moving arbitrary objects into static memory, but care
-should be taken when mutating evicted data: setting slots in evicted
-vector-like objects to non-evicted data is not allowed. It '''is''' possible to
-set characters/bytes in evicted strings or byte-vectors, though.  It is
-advisable '''not''' to evict ports, because they might be mutated by certain
-file-operations.  {{object-evict}} is able to handle circular and shared
-Evicted symbols are no longer unique: a fresh copy of the
-symbol is created, so
-<enscript highlight=scheme>
-(define x 'foo)
-(define y (object-evict 'foo))
-y                              ==> foo
-(eq? x y)                      ==> #f
-(define z (object-evict '(bar bar)))
-(eq? (car z) (cadr z))         ==> #t
-This loss of uniqueness also implies that an evicted structure --
-such as one created with {{define-record}} -- cannot be operated on with
-the existing predicate or accessors, as internally a symbol is used to
-denote the type:
-<enscript highlight=scheme>
-(define-record point x y)
-(point? (make-point x y))                  ; => #t
-(point? (object-evict (make-point x y)))   ; => #f
-==== object-evict-to-location
-<procedure>(object-evict-to-location X POINTER* [LIMIT])</procedure>
-As {{object-evict}} but moves the object at the address pointed to by
-the pointer-like object {{POINTER*}}. If the number of copied bytes exceeds
-the optional {{LIMIT}} then an error is signalled (specifically a composite
-condition of types {{exn}} and {{evict}}. The latter provides
-a {{limit}} property which holds the exceeded limit. Two values are
-returned: the evicted object and a new pointer pointing to the first
-free address after the evicted object.
-Use of anything other than a pointer object as the {{POINTER*}} argument is
-==== object-evicted?
-<procedure>(object-evicted? X)</procedure>
-Returns {{#t}} if {{X}} is a non-immediate evicted data object, or {{#f}}
-==== object-release
-<procedure>(object-release X [RELEASER])</procedure>
-Frees memory occupied by the evicted object {{X}} recursively.
-{{RELEASER}} should be a procedure of a single argument (a foreign
-pointer object to the static memory to be freed) and defaults to
-==== object-unevict
-<procedure>(object-unevict X [FULL])</procedure>
-Copies the object {{X}} and nested objects back into the normal Scheme heap.
-Symbols are re-interned into the symbol table. Strings and byte-vectors are
-'''not''' copied, unless {{FULL}} is given and not {{#f}}.
-==== object-size
-<procedure>(object-size X)</procedure>
-Returns the number of bytes that would be needed to evict the data object
-{{X}}. If {{X}} is an immediate object, zero is returned.
 === Record instance
diff --git a/manual/Unit posix b/manual/Unit posix
index af88972..7305097 100644
--- a/manual/Unit posix 
+++ b/manual/Unit posix 
@@ -1036,90 +1036,6 @@ the environment of the current process. If the variable 
is not defined,
 nothing happens.
-=== Memory mapped I/O
-Memory mapped I/O takes the contents of a file descriptor and places them in 
-==== memory-mapped-file?
-<procedure>(memory-mapped-file? X)</procedure>
-Returns {{#t}}, if {{X}} is an object representing a memory
-mapped file, or {{#f}} otherwise.
-==== map-file-to-memory
-<procedure>(map-file-to-memory ADDRESS LEN PROTECTION FLAG FILENO 
-Maps a section of a file to memory using the C function
-{{mmap()}}.  {{ADDRESS}} should be a foreign pointer object
-or {{#f}}; {{LEN}} specifies the size of the section to
-be mapped; {{PROTECTION}} should be one or more of the flags
-{{prot/read, prot/write, prot/exec}} or {{prot/none}}
-'''bitwise-ior'''ed together; {{FLAG}} should be one or more of
-the flags {{map/fixed, map/shared, map/private, map/anonymous}} or
-{{map/file}}; {{FILENO}} should be the file-descriptor of the
-mapped file. The optional argument {{OFFSET}} gives the offset of
-the section of the file to be mapped and defaults to 0. This procedure
-returns an object representing the mapped file section.  The procedure
-{{move-memory!}} can be used to access the mapped memory.
-==== memory-mapped-file-pointer
-<procedure>(memory-mapped-file-pointer MMAP)</procedure>
-Returns a machine pointer to the start of the memory region to which
-the file is mapped.
-==== unmap-file-from-memory
-<procedure>(unmap-file-from-memory MMAP [LEN])</procedure>
-Unmaps the section of a file mapped to memory using the C function
-{{munmap()}}.  {{MMAP}} should be a mapped file as returned
-by the procedure {{map-file-to-memory}}.  The optional argument
-{{LEN}} specifies the length of the section to be unmapped and
-defaults to the complete length given when the file was mapped.
-==== Memory Mapped I/O Example
-<enscript highlight=scheme>
-;; example-mmap.scm
-;; basic example of memory mapped I/O
-;; This example does no error checking or cleanup, and serves
-;; only to demonstrate how the mmap functions work together.
-(use posix)
-(use lolevel)
-       ; open a file using the posix module, so we have the file descriptor.
-(let* ((fd   (file-open "example-mmap.scm" (+ open/rdonly open/nonblock)))
-       ; fstat(2) the file descriptor fd to determine its size
-       (size (file-size fd))
-       ; mmap(2) the file for reading.
-       (mmap (map-file-to-memory #f
-                                 size
-                                 prot/read
-                                 (+ map/file map/shared)
-                                 fd))
-       ; return a pointer object to the beginning of the memory map.
-       (buf  (memory-mapped-file-pointer mmap))
-       ; allocate a string the same size as the file.
-       (str  (make-string size)))
-  ; copy the mapped memory into a string
-  (move-memory! buf str size)
-  (display str)
-  ; alternately, print the string byte-by-byte without copying.
-  (let loop ((p buf)
-             (i 0))
-    (unless (= i size)
-      (display (integer->char (pointer-s8-ref p)))
-      (loop (pointer+ p 1) (+ i 1)))))
 === Date and time routines
 ==== seconds->local-time
@@ -1386,7 +1302,6 @@ not be obtained. On Windows, this procedure always 
returns {{0}},
 ; {{initialize-groups}} : {{initgroups}}
 ; {{local-time->seconds}} : {{mktime}}
 ; {{local-timezone-abbreviation}} : {{localtime}}
-; {{map-file-to-memory}} : {{mmap}}
 ; {{open-input-file*}} : {{fdopen}}
 ; {{open-output-file*}} : {{fdopen}}
 ; {{open-input-pipe}} : {{popen}}
@@ -1419,7 +1334,6 @@ not be obtained. On Windows, this procedure always 
returns {{0}},
 ; {{terminal-port?}} : {{isatty}}
 ; {{time->string}} : {{asctime}}
 ; {{unsetenv}} : {{putenv}}
-; {{unmap-file-from-memory}} : {{munmap}}
 ; {{user-information}} : {{getpwnam/getpwuid}}
 ; {{utc-time->seconds}} : {{timegm}}
diff --git a/posix.import.scm b/posix.import.scm
index 02d3ca8..17f38a7 100644
--- a/posix.import.scm
+++ b/posix.import.scm
@@ -136,14 +136,6 @@
-   map-file-to-memory
-   map/anonymous
-   map/file
-   map/fixed
-   map/private
-   map/shared
-   memory-mapped-file-pointer
-   memory-mapped-file?
@@ -189,10 +181,6 @@
-   prot/exec
-   prot/none
-   prot/read
-   prot/write
@@ -253,7 +241,6 @@
-   unmap-file-from-memory
diff --git a/posixunix.scm b/posixunix.scm
index b6f9fcc..4e79c63 100644
--- a/posixunix.scm
+++ b/posixunix.scm
@@ -1429,57 +1429,6 @@ EOF
        "system error while trying to access file" filename) ) ) ) )
-;;; Memory mapped I/O:
-(define-foreign-variable _prot_read int "PROT_READ")
-(define-foreign-variable _prot_write int "PROT_WRITE")
-(define-foreign-variable _prot_exec int "PROT_EXEC")
-(define-foreign-variable _prot_none int "PROT_NONE")
-(define prot/read _prot_read)
-(define prot/write _prot_write)
-(define prot/exec _prot_exec)
-(define prot/none _prot_none)
-(define-foreign-variable _map_fixed int "MAP_FIXED")
-(define-foreign-variable _map_shared int "MAP_SHARED")
-(define-foreign-variable _map_private int "MAP_PRIVATE")
-(define-foreign-variable _map_anonymous int "MAP_ANON")
-(define-foreign-variable _map_file int "MAP_FILE")
-(define map/fixed _map_fixed)
-(define map/shared _map_shared)
-(define map/private _map_private)
-(define map/anonymous _map_anonymous)
-(define map/file _map_file)
-(define map-file-to-memory
-  (let ([mmap (foreign-lambda c-pointer "mmap" c-pointer integer int int int 
integer)] )
-    (lambda (addr len prot flag fd . off)
-      (let ([addr (if (not addr) (##sys#null-pointer) addr)]
-            [off (if (pair? off) (car off) 0)] )
-        (unless (and (##core#inline "C_blockp" addr) (##core#inline 
"C_specialp" addr))
-         (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error 'map-file-to-memory "bad argument 
type - not a foreign pointer" addr) )
-        (let ([addr2 (mmap addr len prot flag fd off)])
-          (when (eq? -1 (##sys#pointer->address addr2))
-           (posix-error #:file-error 'map-file-to-memory "cannot map file to 
memory" addr len prot flag fd off) )
-          (##sys#make-structure 'mmap addr2 len) ) ) ) ) )
-(define unmap-file-from-memory
-  (let ([munmap (foreign-lambda int "munmap" c-pointer integer)] )
-    (lambda (mmap . len)
-      (##sys#check-structure mmap 'mmap 'unmap-file-from-memory)
-      (let ([len (if (pair? len) (car len) (##sys#slot mmap 2))])
-        (unless (eq? 0 (munmap (##sys#slot mmap 1) len))
-         (posix-error #:file-error 'unmap-file-from-memory "cannot unmap file 
from memory" mmap len) ) ) ) ) )
-(define (memory-mapped-file-pointer mmap)
-  (##sys#check-structure mmap 'mmap 'memory-mapped-file-pointer)
-  (##sys#slot mmap 1) )
-(define (memory-mapped-file? x)
-  (##sys#structure? x 'mmap) )
 ;;; Time related things:
 (define string->time
diff --git a/posixwin.scm b/posixwin.scm
index 0af657d..5c9aa22 100644
--- a/posixwin.scm
+++ b/posixwin.scm
@@ -1391,170 +1391,6 @@ EOF
        (##sys#error 'current-user-name "cannot retrieve current user-name") ) 
) )
-;;; memory mapped files
-#define PROT_NONE       0
-#define PROT_READ       1
-#define PROT_WRITE      2
-#define PROT_EXEC       4
-#define MAP_FILE        0
-#define MAP_SHARED      1
-#define MAP_PRIVATE     2
-#define MAP_FIXED       0x10
-#define MAP_ANONYMOUS   0x20
-// This value is available starting with Windows XP with SP2 
-// and Windows Server 2003 with SP1.
-#define FILE_MAP_EXECUTE 0x20
-static int page_flags[] =
-    0,
-static int file_flags[] =
-    0,
-void* mmap(void* addr,int len,int prot,int flags,int fd,int off)
-    HANDLE hMap;
-    HANDLE hFile;
-    void* ptr;
-    if ((flags & MAP_FIXED) || (flags & MAP_PRIVATE) || (flags & 
-    {
-        errno = EINVAL;
-        return (void*)-1;
-    }
-    /*
-     * We must cast because _get_osfhandle returns intptr_t, but it must
-     * be compared with INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, which is a HANDLE type.
-     * Who comes up with this shit?
-     */
-    hFile = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(fd);
-    if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
-    {
-        return (void*)-1;
-    }
-    hMap = CreateFileMapping(
-            hFile,
-            NULL,
-            page_flags[prot & (PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC)],
-            0,
-            0,
-            NULL);
-    if (hMap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
-    {
-        set_last_errno();
-        return (void*)-1;
-    }
-    ptr = MapViewOfFile(
-            hMap,
-            file_flags[prot & (PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC)],
-            0,
-            off,
-            len);
-    if (ptr == NULL)
-    {
-        set_last_errno();
-        ptr = (void*)-1;
-    }
-    CloseHandle(hMap);
-    return ptr;
-int munmap(void* addr,int len)
-    if (UnmapViewOfFile(addr))
-    {
-        errno = 0;
-        return 0;
-    }
-    set_last_errno();
-    return -1;
-int is_bad_mmap(void* p)
-    void* bad_ptr;
-    bad_ptr = (void*)-1;
-    return p == bad_ptr;
-(define-foreign-variable _prot_none int "PROT_NONE")
-(define-foreign-variable _prot_read int "PROT_READ")
-(define-foreign-variable _prot_write int "PROT_WRITE")
-(define-foreign-variable _prot_exec int "PROT_EXEC")
-(define-foreign-variable _map_file int "MAP_FILE")
-(define-foreign-variable _map_shared int "MAP_SHARED")
-(define-foreign-variable _map_fixed int "MAP_FIXED")
-(define-foreign-variable _map_private int "MAP_PRIVATE")
-(define-foreign-variable _map_anonymous int "MAP_ANONYMOUS")
-(define prot/none _prot_none)
-(define prot/read _prot_read)
-(define prot/write _prot_write)
-(define prot/exec _prot_exec)
-(define map/file _map_file)
-(define map/shared _map_shared)
-(define map/private _map_private)
-(define map/fixed _map_fixed)
-(define map/anonymous _map_anonymous)
-(define map-file-to-memory
-  (let ([mmap (foreign-lambda c-pointer "mmap" c-pointer integer int int int 
-        [bad-mmap? (foreign-lambda bool "is_bad_mmap" c-pointer)] )
-    (lambda (addr len prot flag fd . off)
-      (let ([addr (if (not addr) (##sys#null-pointer) addr)]
-            [off (if (pair? off) (car off) 0)] )
-        (unless (and (##core#inline "C_blockp" addr) (##core#inline 
"C_specialp" addr))
-          (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error 'map-file-to-memory "bad argument 
type - not a foreign pointer" addr) )
-        (let ([addr2 (mmap addr len prot flag fd off)])
-          (when (bad-mmap? addr2)
-            (posix-error #:file-error 'map-file-to-memory "cannot map file to 
memory" addr len prot flag fd off) )
-          (##sys#make-structure 'mmap addr2 len) ) ) ) ) )
-(define unmap-file-from-memory
-  (let ([munmap (foreign-lambda int "munmap" c-pointer integer)] )
-    (lambda (mmap . len)
-      (##sys#check-structure mmap 'mmap 'unmap-file-from-memory)
-      (let ([len (if (pair? len) (car len) (##sys#slot mmap 2))])
-        (unless (eq? 0 (munmap (##sys#slot mmap 1) len))
-      (posix-error #:file-error 'unmap-file-from-memory "cannot unmap file 
from memory" mmap len) ) ) ) ) )
-(define (memory-mapped-file-pointer mmap)
-  (##sys#check-structure mmap 'mmap 'memory-mapped-file-pointer)
-  (##sys#slot mmap 1) )
-(define (memory-mapped-file? x)
-  (##sys#structure? x 'mmap) )
 ;;; unimplemented stuff:
 (define-syntax define-unimplemented
diff --git a/tests/data-structures-tests.scm b/tests/data-structures-tests.scm
index 51c25a9..141e8d5 100644
--- a/tests/data-structures-tests.scm
+++ b/tests/data-structures-tests.scm
@@ -63,117 +63,3 @@
 (assert (equal? '(a b c d) (topological-sort '((a b) (b c) (c d)) eq?)))
 (assert (equal? '(c d a b) (topological-sort '((a b) (c d)) eq?)))
 (assert-error (topological-sort '((a b) (b a)) eq?))
-;; Queues.
-;; These are tested extensively (and probably still not enough)
-;; because of the strange dealings with the front and end lists stored
-;; internally.  If we run into errors, add more regression tests here.
-(let ((q (make-queue)))
-  (assert (queue? q))
-  (assert (queue-empty? q))
-  (assert (= 0 (queue-length q)))
-  (assert (null? (queue->list q)))
-  (assert-error (queue-first q))
-  (assert-error (queue-last q))
-  (assert-error (queue-remove! q))
-  (queue-add! q 'foo)
-  (assert (eq? 'foo (queue-first q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'foo (queue-last q)))
-  (assert (not (queue-empty? q)))
-  (assert (= (queue-length q) 1))
-  (let ((l1 (queue->list q))
-        (l2 (queue->list q)))
-    (assert (equal? l1 '(foo)))
-    (assert (equal? l2 '(foo)))
-    (assert (not (eq? l1 l2)))          ; Do not share memory
-    (queue-add! q 'end)
-    (queue-push-back! q 'front)
-    (assert (equal? l1 '(foo))))      ; Does not share memory w/ queue
-  (assert (equal? (queue->list q) '(front foo end)))
-  (assert (eq? 'front (queue-remove! q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'foo (queue-first q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'end (queue-last q)))
-  (queue-push-back-list! q '(one two))
-  (assert (equal? (queue->list q) '(one two foo end)))
-  (assert (= 4 (queue-length q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'one (queue-remove! q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'two (queue-remove! q)))
-  (assert (= 2 (queue-length q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'foo (queue-first q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'end (queue-last q)))
-  (assert (not (queue-empty? q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'foo (queue-remove! q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'end (queue-first q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'end (queue-last q)))
-  (assert (= (queue-length q) 1))
-  (assert (not (queue-empty? q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'end (queue-remove! q)))
-  (assert (queue-empty? q))
-  (assert (= (queue-length q) 0))
-  (assert-error (queue-first q))
-  (assert-error (queue-last q))
-  (assert-error (queue-remove! q)))
-(let ((q (list->queue (list 'one 'two))))
-  (assert (queue? q))
-  (assert (not (queue-empty? q)))
-  (assert (= (queue-length q) 2))
-  (assert (eq? 'one (queue-first q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'two (queue-last q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'one (queue-remove! q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'two (queue-first q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'two (queue-last q)))
-  (assert (= (queue-length q) 1))
-  (assert (not (queue-empty? q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'two (queue-remove! q)))
-  (assert-error (queue-first q))
-  (assert-error (queue-last q))
-  (assert (= (queue-length q) 0))
-  (assert (queue-empty? q)))
-(let ((q (list->queue (list 'one))))
-  (assert (queue? q))
-  (assert (not (queue-empty? q)))
-  (assert (= (queue-length q) 1))
-  (assert (eq? 'one (queue-first q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'one (queue-last q)))
-  (queue-push-back! q 'zero)
-  (assert (eq? 'zero (queue-first q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'one (queue-last q)))
-  (queue-add! q 'two)
-  (assert (eq? 'zero (queue-first q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'two (queue-last q)))
-  (queue-add! q 'three)
-  (assert (eq? 'zero (queue-first q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'three (queue-last q)))
-  (assert (equal? '(zero one two three) (queue->list q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'zero (queue-remove! q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'one (queue-first q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'three (queue-last q)))
-  (assert (= (queue-length q) 3))
-  (assert (not (queue-empty? q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'one (queue-remove! q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'two (queue-remove! q)))
-  (assert (eq? 'three (queue-remove! q)))
-  (assert-error (queue-first q))
-  (assert-error (queue-last q))
-  (assert (= (queue-length q) 0))
-  (assert (queue-empty? q)))
diff --git a/tests/lolevel-tests.scm b/tests/lolevel-tests.scm
index d0398fa..d0812fb 100644
--- a/tests/lolevel-tests.scm
+++ b/tests/lolevel-tests.scm
@@ -228,26 +228,6 @@
 (assert (equal? '#(test a b) (record->vector some-record)))
-; object-evict
-; object-evicted?
-; object-size
-; object-release
-(define tstvec (vector #f))
-(let ((sz (object-size tstvec)))
-  (assert (and (integer? sz) (positive? sz))) )
-(define ev-tstvec (object-evict tstvec))
-(assert (not (eq? tstvec ev-tstvec)))
-(assert (object-evicted? ev-tstvec))
-(set! ev-tstvec
-  (let ((old ev-tstvec))
-    (object-release old)
-    #f))
-; object-evict-to-location
-; object-unevict
 ; object-become!
 (define some-foo '#(1 2 3))
diff --git a/tests/posix-tests.scm b/tests/posix-tests.scm
index 4459e36..f2fd896 100644
--- a/tests/posix-tests.scm
+++ b/tests/posix-tests.scm
@@ -43,17 +43,6 @@
   (assert (equal? 'ok (read in)))
   (assert (equal? 'err (read err))))
-(let ((tnpfilpn (create-temporary-file)))
-  (let ((tmpfilno (file-open tnpfilpn (+ open/rdwr open/creat)))
-        (data "abcde")
-        (size 5))
-    (file-write tmpfilno data)
-    (let ((mmap (map-file-to-memory #f size prot/read (+ map/shared map/file) 
-          (str (make-string size)))
-      (move-memory! (memory-mapped-file-pointer mmap) str size)
-      (assert (blob=? (string->blob data) (string->blob str)))
-      (unmap-file-from-memory mmap))))
 (let* ((tmp-dir (create-temporary-directory))
        (tmp-dot (make-pathname (list tmp-dir "foo" "bar") ".baz")))
   (create-directory tmp-dot 'recursively)
diff --git a/types.db b/types.db
index 6a202dd..50ba718 100644
--- a/types.db
+++ b/types.db
@@ -1199,7 +1199,6 @@
        ((pair) (let ((#(tmp) #(1))) '#f))
        (((not (or pair list))) (let ((#(tmp) #(1))) '#t)))
-(binary-search (forall (a) (#(procedure #:enforce) binary-search ((vector-of 
a) (procedure (a) *)) *)))
 (butlast (forall (a) (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) butlast ((pair a *)) 
(list-of a))))
 (chop (forall (a) (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) chop ((list-of a) fixnum) 
(list-of a))))
 (complement (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) complement ((procedure (#!rest) 
*)) (procedure (#!rest) boolean)))
@@ -1215,9 +1214,7 @@
 (identity (forall (a) (#(procedure #:pure) identity (a) a)))
 (intersperse (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) intersperse (list *) list))
 (join (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) join ((list-of list) #!optional list) 
-(list->queue (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) list->queue (list) (struct 
 (list-of? (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) list-of? ((procedure (*) *)) 
(procedure (list) boolean)))
-(make-queue (#(procedure #:pure) make-queue () (struct queue)))
  (forall (e)
@@ -1228,22 +1225,6 @@
         (#(procedure #:enforce) merge! ((list-of e) (list-of e) (procedure (e 
e) *)) (list-of e))))
 (o (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) o (#!rest (procedure (*) *)) (procedure (*) 
-(queue->list (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) queue->list ((struct queue)) 
-(queue-add! (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) queue-add! ((struct queue) *) 
-(queue-empty? (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) queue-empty? ((struct queue)) 
-             (((struct queue)) (##core#inline "C_i_nullp" (##sys#slot #(1) 
-(queue-first (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) queue-first ((struct queue)) *))
-(queue-last (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) queue-last ((struct queue)) *))
-(queue-length (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) queue-length ((struct queue)) 
-             (((struct queue)) (##sys#slot #(1) '3)))
-(queue-push-back! (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) queue-push-back! ((struct 
queue) *) undefined))
-(queue-push-back-list! (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) queue-push-back-list! 
((struct queue) list) undefined))
-(queue-remove! (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) queue-remove! ((struct queue)) 
-(queue? (#(procedure #:pure #:predicate (struct queue)) queue? (*) boolean))
 (rassoc (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) rassoc (* (list-of pair) #!optional 
(procedure (* *) *)) *))
 (reverse-string-append (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) reverse-string-append 
((list-of string)) string))
@@ -1509,12 +1490,6 @@
 (object->pointer (#(procedure #:clean) object->pointer (*) *))
 (object-become! (procedure object-become! (list) *))
 (object-copy (#(procedure #:clean) object-copy (*) *))
-(object-evict (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) object-evict (* #!optional 
(procedure (fixnum) pointer)) *))
-(object-evict-to-location (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) 
object-evict-to-location (* (or pointer locative procedure port) #!optional 
fixnum) * pointer))
-(object-evicted? (#(procedure #:pure) object-evicted? (*) boolean))
-(object-release (#(procedure #:enforce) object-release (* #!optional 
(procedure (pointer) *)) *))
-(object-size (#(procedure #:clean) object-size (*) fixnum))
-(object-unevict (procedure object-unevict (* #!optional *) *))
 (pointer+ (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) pointer+ ((or pointer procedure port 
locative) fixnum) pointer))
 (pointer->address (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) pointer->address ((or 
pointer procedure port locative)) number)
@@ -1718,14 +1693,6 @@
 (initialize-groups (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) initialize-groups (string 
fixnum) undefined))
 (local-time->seconds (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) local-time->seconds 
((vector fixnum fixnum fixnum fixnum fixnum fixnum fixnum fixnum boolean 
fixnum)) number))
 (local-timezone-abbreviation (#(procedure #:clean) local-timezone-abbreviation 
() string))
-(map-file-to-memory (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) map-file-to-memory (* 
fixnum fixnum fixnum fixnum #!optional fixnum) (struct mmap)))
-(map/anonymous fixnum)
-(map/file fixnum)
-(map/fixed fixnum)
-(map/private fixnum)
-(map/shared fixnum)
-(memory-mapped-file-pointer (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) 
memory-mapped-file-pointer ((struct mmap)) pointer))
-(memory-mapped-file? (#(procedure #:clean #:predicate (struct mmap)) 
memory-mapped-file? (*) boolean))
 (open-input-file* (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) open-input-file* (fixnum 
#!optional symbol) input-port))
 (open-input-pipe (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) open-input-pipe (string 
#!optional symbol) input-port))
 (open-output-file* (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) open-output-file* (fixnum 
#!optional symbol) output-port))
@@ -1775,10 +1742,6 @@
 (process-run (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) process-run (string #!optional 
(list-of string)) fixnum))
 (process-signal (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) process-signal (fixnum 
#!optional fixnum) undefined))
 (process-wait (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) process-wait (#!optional fixnum 
*) fixnum fixnum fixnum))
-(prot/exec fixnum)
-(prot/none fixnum)
-(prot/read fixnum)
-(prot/write fixnum)
 (read-symbolic-link (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) read-symbolic-link (string 
#!optional boolean) string))
 (regular-file? (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) regular-file? ((or string 
fixnum)) boolean))
 (seconds->local-time (#(procedure #:clean #:enforce) seconds->local-time 
(#!optional number) (vector fixnum fixnum fixnum fixnum fixnum fixnum fixnum 
fixnum boolean fixnum)))

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