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[Chicken-hackers] [PATCH][4][5] Fix "missing distribution-files" warning

From: Peter Bex
Subject: [Chicken-hackers] [PATCH][4][5] Fix "missing distribution-files" warning and fix manifest
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 14:05:06 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/

Hi all,

After applying the last of Evan's patches for CHICKEN 5, I thought it
would be a good idea to make a snapshot tarball because it requires going
through chicken-boot in order to build.  I tagged and built the
distribution file and as a final sanity check I extracted and built from
the tarball.  To my surprise, I got this error message:

make: *** No rule to make target `c-platform.scm', needed by `c-platform.c'.  

Of course, c-platform.scm exists, so that made no sense to me.  Looking
through the distribution manifest, it became clear that the patch to
rename core CHICKEN modules accidentally renamed a few too many files,
causing this file to be omitted from the distribution tarball.

The makedist.scm script is supposed to warn when it fails to find files
in the manifest, but it didn't do that!  The reason why is pretty
simple: it set! the filename to the list of the filename consed onto
the missing files.  Instead, it should have set! missing.  The first
of the attached patches fixes this, using foldl instead (the ones for
CHICKEN 4 and 5 are identical).

The second patch fixes the broken file listing.  It appears there have
been a few more undetected missing files that snuck in over the years!
(there's a difference between the patches for CHICKEN 4 and 5 here)

I'm not sure whether the warning should be an error... Perhaps when
making a dev snapshot it's acceptable to have missing files (built HTML
manual, maybe?).  In any case, the warning is the very last thing that
"make dist" shows, so I guess at least for now it's clear enough when
this happens.  Making a release is still something we do manually, so
the developer who makes the release will hopefully spot it and fix it.


Attachment: chicken-4-0001-Fix-broken-missing-file-detection-in-distribution-ta.patch
Description: Text document

Attachment: chicken-4-0002-Fix-missing-wrong-filenames-in-distribution-manifest.patch
Description: Text document

Attachment: chicken-5-0001-Fix-broken-missing-file-detection-in-distribution-ta.patch
Description: Text document

Attachment: chicken-5-0002-Fix-missing-wrong-filenames-in-distrubution-manifest.patch
Description: Text document

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